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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The old saw about frogs and boiling water is not true: they will jump out of the pot if they can as the temperature rises. Democratic publics, increasingly feeling the heat, are unlikely to behave differently.
--Gideon Rose, Editor, Foreign Affairs
The democratic publics he fears will abandon capitalism are, in actuality, the world’s workers. Hence, this bosses’ mouthpiece focuses on the knotty problem of inequality.
Communism can build a society which meets the needs of all. More than anything, this understanding will propel the working class “to jump out of the pot.”
Echoing the Foreign Affairs “Racism” issue last March, imperialism’s leading think-tank is pessimistic. (See Red Flag, 4/23/15). “There is consensus … that equalization of economic resources can be achieved only at the cost of extreme, unjust, and counterproductive restrictions on personal liberty and a significant reduction in economic growth,” writes Harvard professor Danielle Allen.
There may be a consensus among capitalist apologists at elite universities. Nonetheless, millions are seeking an alternative. Many are giving communism a second look.
Communist Factories Unleash Our Potential
What, we may ask, is unjust about taking back the factories we built with generations of our labor? What is counterproductive about releasing the vast potential of workers?
Communism will uproot the old capitalistic production-for-profit model. Production for the common good will replace the inequality of exploitation. “From each according to their commitment and abilities, to each according to their needs” will be the motto of this new economy. Communist production will lay the basis for developing workers to their maximum potential as human beings.
In the 1960s steel workers at the Anshan plant in China produced a set of principals later to be known as the Anshan Constitution. Factories couldn’t fire workers. Income was stable and set by national standards. Workers made plant decisions; mangers had to work. Workers could criticize all management openly.
Steel production was considered in the long-term interest of the working class. In that light, material incentives were considered as short-sighted individualism. The weakness was that wages weren’t abolished altogether. This set the stage for the eventual defeat of the revolution.
This time workers will become more than masters of the factory, but masters of production through state power. No more wage slaves!
Furthermore, communist factories will free us from a lifetime of mind-numbing repetition. We will no longer be pigeonholed in just one job, with one skill. We are capable of much more. For example, machinists will be engineers; assemblers will organize production, etc. Everyone will share the work necessary to provide for us all.
How can realizing this vast potential result in a “significant reduction in economic growth?” It doesn’t, of course.
It never has, but Allen fixates on increasing the bosses’ capital. She thinks economic equality is just too risky. Hence, we must concentrate on the “political sphere.”
“Politics trumps economics!” she asserts.
Nonetheless, she knows politics is rigged when capital is concentrated in a few hands. She is left proposing trivial pursuits along the fringes of power in local elections and issues.
Small-ball reform politics don’t trump anything. Communist politics, on the other hand, can transform the world.
A Vibrant System, Not A Dying One
Our politics does not serve a dying system, so it doesn’t waste time making excuses for inequality and racism. It is optimistic and based on the material world. We relish the struggle to provide the necessities of life to the masses.
Communist politics builds the collective strength of the working class. Our party looks to strengthen and expand communist power worldwide. It is in sync with an economy based on collective production. Neither a futile attempt at reform nor trivial!
Inequality is baked into capitalism. It is, after all, a society based on exploitation. To add insult to injury, consider racist super-exploitation. Capitalism couldn’t survive without it.
Communism will end exploitation in any form making a society that satisfies the needs of everyone possible. For this alone, we should mobilize the masses for communism.