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International Communist Workers Party | |
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March 6- One murder plus two reports plus two resignations equals zero indictments! The cops get away with murder; the masses, allowed to protest, end up angry but defenseless.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), part of the Executive Branch of the US government, has issued two reports in the wake of the August 6th murder of unarmed Michael Brown by racist cop Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. One report, “The DOJ Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department,” found that the Ferguson police engaged in racist policing that “prioritized revenue over public safety.” As a result of the report and public outcry, the city manager and the chief of the Ferguson police department resigned. It’s doubtful they will be out of work for long.
On the same day, the DOJ issued a second report regarding the criminal investigation of the shooting death of Michael Brown. The 86-page report concluded that even if it could be proved that Wilson had used unreasonable force against the unarmed teen, the federal legal standard that Wilson had acted “willfully” could not be proved and therefore the case lacked “prosecutorial merit.” Darren Wilson, the killer cop, could not be put on trial!
The DOJ went as far as they could go; it could criticize the Ferguson police. For example, the DOJ found that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, 90% of citations, and 93% of arrests, even though they make up only 65% of Ferguson’s population. The DOJ could not recommend indictment of cop Darren Wilson because both serve and protect the capitalists.
All this leaves the working masses high in outrage but low in effective organization. The capitalist class has government departments, a network of media and press outlets and even NGOs operating among the people while controlled by the purse strings of the capitalists. Apart from the spontaneity of mass demonstrations, our class lacks the press and political organization to counter the barrage of lies and innuendos, the racism and nationalism, that flood the airways to discourage rebellion. It’s in these moments that we see the need to build our revolutionary communist press Red Flag and our party, ICWP.
There is no justice for the working class under capitalism. Although it may have taken the DOJ months of investigation and a one hundred-page report to conclude that Ferguson police were racist and more interested in collecting money than protecting people, it should only take us a couple of minutes to know what’s up. Then, another couple of minutes to realize we must build a mass revolutionary organization to end the system that commits atrocity after atrocity. And then a couple more minutes to reach out and join International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) and mass-distribute its paper Red Flag.