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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“US and Iran Reach a Historic Nuclear Deal” hailed the capitalist media internationally. They heralded the framework adopted by China, Britain, France, Russia, the United States, Germany and Iran to deal with Iran’s nuclear program.
“Historic” means changing the course of history. Today there are only two classes capable of doing this: the capitalist class and the working class.
The capitalists, insignificant in numbers, can’t change history without mobilizing and manipulating the working masses to support and fight for their capitalist-imperialist interests.
The working class, however, by its sheer size and its role in industry and the military, can independently shape history. It is the main motor of historic change. Unfortunately, our class has not yet succeeded in ending forever capitalism’s “house of horrors.”
However, historic upheavals are approaching. The capitalists are preparing to write history, as their dog-eat-dog competition demands, with unprecedented death and destruction.
The working class, on the other hand, is preparing to change history by burying capitalism and its horrors forever by mobilizing itself, for the first time in history, directly for communism.
US Capitalists-Imperialists Lie to Hide Their Genocidal Plans
Many geopolitical analysts in the US and elsewhere have exposed the fact that the “historic” Iran nuclear agreement has very little chance of being adopted or holding up even if adopted.
Some also exposed as lies US imperialism’s decades-old excuses for opposing Iran’s nuclear aspirations. George Freeman wrote recently:
“The United States is not really concerned about Iran’s nuclear weapons... The real issue now is what it was a few years ago: Iran appears to be building a sphere of influence to the Mediterranean Sea, but this time, that sphere of influence potentially includes Yemen.” (Stratfor 3/31/15)
But even Freeman is at best telling half-truths. The Saudis see Iran’s arc of influence from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq and Yemen as an existential threat. US bosses are afraid the Saudis might take their war against the al-Houthis in Yemen too far and trigger a war with Iran with unpredictable consequences.
Thus, these US bosses’ strategy in the region now is “not to support any particular power, but to maintain a balance between multiple powers… The current doctrine requires a balance between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the United States tilting back and forth.” (Stratfor)
Consequently, the US is helping the Saudis with logistics and intelligence to be able to restrain them from going too far, while simultaneously attacking Iranian interests.
In Iraq, the US is bombing jihadists including ISIS, who are supported by Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies. They are undermining the Saudis while allowing Iran to become the dominant power there.
Will WWIII start in the Middle East or in Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe?
This debate further explains US imperialism’s contradictory actions and policies. The dominant imperialist wing doesn’t want to fight Russia and China in the Middle East. There they are isolated, while in Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe they hope to forge powerful alliances.
Thus this nuclear agreement aims to hold at bay the US imperialist sector bent on confronting China and Russia in the Middle East. This means accepting Iran’s regional primacy. The alternative is to attack Iran, which is supported by Russia and China. This could explode into WWIII.
The agreement is also meant to lure Iran to join the west by promising to lift the sanctions. Iranian oil and gas could then flow to Europe, breaking the Russian chokehold on Europe’s energy market, weakening Russia and making possible a US-Europe alliance against China and Russia.
But most important, US bosses hope to coax the Iranian rulers to refrain from sending that energy over land to China, especially in times of war. Then the US could starve China of the energy that feeds its industry and military because the US Navy controls the sea lanes and choke points through which other imported energy must travel to China. In WWIII this would be decisive.
World Communism: The only hope and future for humanity
Capitalism is based on deceit, treachery, and massive destruction and dehumanization of our class. Their wage slavery can’t exist without racism, sexism, nationalism and patriotism to divide and weaken our class and to get us to butcher each other for their profits and empire.
However, the struggle between capitalists and workers is sharpening. It will eventually blow up into open warfare. The final victory will be ours because we have learned from history that we must mobilize for communism. We will build a society based on cooperation and collectivity, sharing scarcity and abundance according to need.
Building that communist world is our task now, during and after the revolution. Forward, comrades, forward!