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International Communist Workers Party | |
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EL SALVADOR— “We have the transportation ready for our co-workers from the factories to march this May Day. We have all been waiting for this day!” said a very excited worker leader of the International Communist Workers’ Party.
“We will go with another five friends. We are going to make a banner and join you,” said a young student friend of ICWP.
We have not been submissive slaves for 500 years. We have organized, fought, and struggled for a decent system that will be led by the workers. Men, women, and children died in this effort that today we commemorate so that we do not forget. We continue their work with the effort to build a communist system.
We shout to the oppressors that we will not give up. We remember the martyrs of Chicago who fought for more just conditions and a shorter work day for workers in the factories. Today, our constant struggle must be for a true communist revolution, no longer for reforms.
The ICWP is deepening the workers’ struggles from South Africa to Mexico, from Honduras to the US, from El Salvador to Spain. Only the struggle organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party will guarantee the working class a better life. We fight for liberation from the bosses’ yoke of exploitation which can only be broken if you read and analyze Red Flag, the newspaper of the working class, and join the fighting efforts of ICWP.
The electoral parties and bosses’ unions have never been the solution to confront the problems of capitalism. Only the workers organized in an international communist party can destroy this system and build a new one.
“May Day is not only to commemorate the heroic feats of the workers. It is a day of reflection that should make us all think about our need and responsibility to define the kind of system we want to live in,” said a health care worker.
Thousands of copies of Red Flag newspapers and thousands of leaflets are being distributed this May Day. Young workers and farmworkers, together with teachers and students, are spreading communist ideas to the workers.
The commemoration of May Day is the culmination of the daily struggle of the working class. It is a great reminder to the workers that united with ICWP, we can defeat capitalist oppression.
Comrade city workers, farmworkers, teachers and students, united as part of the International Communist Workers’ Party, have organized for this May Day and are marching through the main streets of the capital to show the world our commitment
to build the communist system.
MEXICO--Since October of 2014, thousands of people have protested the disappearance of the 43 students in Ayotzinapa. “It was the State!” they charge, blaming the government for these bloody deeds. At first they thought the government was guilty by omission, but more recently there are signs that it wasn’t “criminals” who disappeared them but the federal and military police.
The big protests showed that not only are all the parties corrupt, participating in drug trafficking and its profits, but also that they do not represent the interests of the population. There are calls to form some new organizations, but reformist and capitalist ones. The organization that’s really needed is the International Communist Workers’ Party.
The government’s response was to pass laws “to guarantee security” — that is, to prevent and crush the protests. The “mobility law” restricts marches and “blockages” of main roads. The rulers are moving toward a national identity card and forcing the airlines to report in detail their passengers’ itineraries.
The goal is to ensure the subjugation of the working class. The limited spaces of freedom won in past times through hard struggles are violently taken away, often using the pretext of the struggle against crime, while the same criminals terrorize the population in general and especially the immigrants.
For A Communist May Day in Mexico
On the eve of a nuclear World War III which would be devastating both environmentally and socially, fascism, the bloodiest phase of capitalism, at the same time exploits, and also represses and kills thousands of workers worldwide. Today on May Day, the masses take to the streets to repudiate the capitalist system and to show that they belong to only one class, the international working class.
While distributing Red Flag in the marches, education centers, to relatives, co-workers, and friends and in study groups, we have heard comments that no solution exists to this exploiting system and that despite acts of dissent, the life of the workers is getting even worse. However, we have explained that the working class is the only class that has the power to overthrow capitalism and establish Communism.
Communism is a society in which each person receives what they need and contributes according to their capability and commitment. Money and bosses will not exist. There will not be a division of classes, or racism, sexism, nationalism, or people starving. Natural resources will not be seen as generators of profits. There will not be borders. Each member of society will have the obligation to take care of his/her class brother and sister.
Today on May Day the International Communist Workers’ Party reaffirms its struggle for the liberation of the international working class, from South Africa to El Salvador, Honduras, the US, Spain, and Mexico we call on industrial workers, soldiers, students, housewives, professors, and other members of society to join our ranks. We do not believe in reforms, or in change through stages or socialism. We say that the only way forward is a Communist revolution. Our blood boils with hatred of the capitalist bosses. Our hearts overflow with love for our class!
Long live the international working class!
Death to capitalism!
Join ICWP!