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International Communist Workers Party | |
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LOS ANGELES--This weekend was the dinner for May Day. This dinner is organized each year by the ICWP a few weeks before the actual May Day March. Many people come and bring dishes they make at home.
This dinner is a good representation of what communism is. If you cannot bring a plate, no problem at all, you will still eat. And if you cannot give a donation, it’s ok. You will still eat because with communism we all help and no comrade will let another comrade go hungry because they cannot contribute.
If you have no transportation to the dinner, no problem, there are others who help take you there. This is communism; we will all help and not just worry about our own needs but the needs of all.
The dinner included several revolutionary communist speeches and various communist songs that were sung by a chorus while others followed the lyrics printed in a packet. The people following sang along with a lot of enthusiasm.
“My favorite song was Bandera Roja (Red Flag)” exclaimed Daniel. “I liked how everyone was so animated when they were singing the song.”
There were many workers with their families and they seemed excited to be there. Compared with the number that participated last year, more were involved this year. This is good, because it shows that our party is growing.
A student comrade, Josefina, presented a banner which several students have been trying to finish for the march. The banner read, “For a communist world: without money, bosses, racism, or borders” in English and Spanish. The center of the banner was highlighted by a bright hammer and sickle.
“The dinner was very good. They had delicious food and a good one-act play. I really like the banner that will be carried in the march in downtown Los Angeles,” said Alejandra.
A fellow student who is a member of the JROTC gave a speech in which he announced that he had decided to enter the army. He said he had decided to expand communist ideas to his working-class brothers and sisters inside the army.
The one act play was presented entitled, “I am Red Flag,” dealing with the ideological struggle to expand communism. The character of Red Flag carries out an ideological struggle with a worker on why he should take the newspaper. The same happens with a student and a soldier. In the end each character shouts, with the fist held high and with the paper in hand, “I am Red Flag!”
“I enjoyed the dinner very much. I had the opportunity to meet many people from different areas, different ages, different races, all united in the same struggle to mobilize the masses for communism. That impressed me very much,” Jerry said.
Many are committed, not only to come to the march but also to mobilize friends, classmates, family and other workers to come, and with their fists raised in the air and the red flag flying, to shout: “Long live Communism!”