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International Communist Workers Party

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From Boston to Pakistan to Texas:



Imagine the horror: your child is killed by a bomb while watching a marathon in Boston; your niece is killed by a US drone attack on her wedding day in Pakistan; your aged parent is killed in his sleep by a huge explosion at the fertilizer factory next door to his nursing home in Texas.
Capitalist crisis is making the world a much more dangerous place. While the media has saturated online coverage with details about the angry sociopaths in Boston, capitalist terror is killing thousands around the world every day. The US ruling class, faced with a world they can't control and a military they can't trust, has made drones the weapon of choice, killing thousands of civilians in the process.
Capitalism's insatiable appetite for profit claims thousands of workers' lives every year in industrial murder in the US alone. That's compounded by the destruction that industrial poison brings to communities from Bhopal, India, to Fukushima, Japan.
As all of these contradictions intensify, the US ruling class, more and more aware that its empire is in trouble at home and abroad, is moving ahead with plans to use these disasters to institute fascism and preparation for war. The 1999 HartRudman Report detailed these plans.
As the US ruling class tries to get itself out of the Middle East, and streamline the military to a pivot towards Asia and a strategy of confronting China, drones have become Obama's signature weapon. US drone attacks killed176 children last year in Pakistan alone. They increase the hatred of the world's masses for US imperialism, and help make the world more dangerous.

Industrial "Accidents" are Capitalist Terror
The US ruling class's disdain for the lives of civilians in Pakistan is matched by its wanton disregard for the safety of workers and neighbors of the West, Texas fertilizer plant. This factory stockpiled ammonium nitrate, the highly explosive fertilizer used by Timothy McVeigh in the1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Ammonium nitrate caused the 1947 Port of Texas City explosion where 546 people were killed in the worst industrial accident in US history.
The fertilizer plant was situated a block from two schools and a retirement home without a safety plan. The federal regulators fined the factory a measly $5,250 for not having a safety plan, and allowed it to keep functioning. This shows how the government, while paying lip service to safety, functions to sacrifice workers and the community to capitalist profits.
While federal regulators seemingly can't clean up a fertilizer factory in Texas, they can certainly put a major American city on lockdown.
The bi-partisan Hart-Rudman Report said in 1999 that terrorist attacks on American soil were increasingly likely and would make Americans more willing to "sacrifice blood and treasure," to die for imperialism and accept fascist control of US cities. The fact that this report was followed by the 9/11 bombing, and an increasing number of "near misses" and captured bombing suspects has led some to speculate that the Boston bombing was an FBI sting operation gone
bad. Whether that's true, or it was the work of individual sociopaths, it's for sure that since 9/11 the US government has learned how to take advantage of these situations to institute fascist coordination and martial law.
The response to the bombing illustrated the coordination of all levels of intelligence operations, from local to federal, and the imposition of a total curfew on Boston. The coordination of police operations with the mass media won thousands of Americans to patriotic support of a police state. But there is a saying in Spanish that you can't cover the sun with your finger.
The people in Boston who chanted "USA" on Friday night woke up Monday morning facing the increased crisis of capitalism: mass unemployment, rising foreclosures and racist police terror in Boston and every city in the US, industrial murder for profits around the world, imperialist attacks throughout the Middle East. The sharpening capitalist crisis has made the world an increasingly unsafe place for the masses of working people.
While liberals call for increased industrial regulation and debate the "rights" of the surviving Boston bomber, the ruling class is going forward with its campaigns of racist hatred of Muslims and support for a US police state, while it formalizes long-term plans for World War III.
Capitalist terror—drones, explosions and a police state—make our work of mobilizing the masses for communism more urgent than ever. We'll turn their world war into a fight for communism, a society where workers are mobilized to run society and organize production for need, not profit. In a communist society, we'll fight to make sure that the safety, health and wellbeing of all is the primary concern.
Join ICWP! March with us on May Day!