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International Communist Workers Party

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   To Contact ICWP, send an email to: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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Environmental and anarchist movements, or other interests, have gotten the people to go into the streets. Yet many people still hope that the situation will improve sooner or later. This is because the working class no longer trusts in "the revolts" invented by the unions or the occupy movements.

The working class no longer wants to get screwed up for a handful of sellouts. True, the "Occupy" movements which positioned themselves in several plazas in Spain marked an historic moment. But they didn't achieve any kind of change to improve workers' lives. The unions are no longer seen as an agency that can protect the jobs or working conditions. They are now seen as a way to make money at the expense of the rest of the workers.
We can only carry out communist revolution by making the political ideas of the International Communist Workers' Party mass ideas. The task now is bigger, because we have to encourage people to move to communism. We must develop leaders who represent true revolutionary communism, getting rid of the wrong ideas that communism
is something old and done with.
One day, we were talking with a comrade from the International Communist Workers' Party (ICWP) about why some workers with advanced political ideas, who had endured hardships to survive and get professional training, now claim loudly that capitalism is an option (or even the best).
Thinking about it, I have seen how workers can make choices that slow down the process of getting to communism. We have to put our main emphasis on the ways in which we can bring communist ideas to the masses.
We know that by distributing Red Flag we can achieve great advances to Mobilize the Masses for Communism. But we must also be clear that, not only do we need to spread the ideas, but also to recruit workers who are politically in agreement to work on building communism. This is the true struggle that we have to face in our lifetime.
Communist revolution led by ICWP is the only way to improve the quality of life for the whole working class. ICWP is all of us. We will achieve our goal through the struggle to destroy capitalism.
This May Day we will again take to the streets to proclaim these ideas. We will take to the streets to find our brother and sister workers. We will bring them Red Flag and discuss the politics that will help us to understand what communism is and how it will function.
Comrades in Spain