MEXICO— Since the beginning of the year, tens of thousands of teachers from Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and throughout Mexico have marched and struck against the government's education reform. In Guerrero, 22,000 teachers are continuing a 55-day strike. They have militantly and massively blocked roads, broken into the state legislature, shut down schools and taken over radio stations. The teachers are valiantly fighting against the government's imposition of standardized tests on all students. The government will use the students' test results and the teachers' professional training to determine teachers' salaries, promotions or firing.
Reforms are at Best Dangerous Illusions Like millions of workers worldwide, these teachers are rebelling against the brutal onslaught of racist capitalism-imperialism. Unfortunately, these struggles, no matter how militant, can never make capitalism meet our class' needs. Furthermore, in times like these of deepening capitalist economic crisis, rising fascism and looming world war, reform struggles are at best a dangerous illusion, and at worst a gross betrayal of our class.
Reformism will never stop capitalism-imperialism from continuing its relentless drive to reduce workers worldwide to exploited, profitable beasts of burden and patriotic robots to fight and die for its profits and empire. Only communist revolution can stop this murderous drive! Communism is the only hope of the international working class and humanity. (See editorial)
Two camps are increasingly confronting each other worldwide Today the working class worldwide is rising against the capitalist camp. The class war between exploiters and exploited that has been raging for thousands of years and is reaching a climax in our time. Today we are better prepared than ever, ideologically, to take this monumental historical struggle to its final conclusion: to destroy forever class society and its evils.
Capitalist Ideology or Communist Ideology: That is the Question! We live in times of unprecedented dangers but also of potential and opportunities that we can barely imagine. The future of the humanity depends on which ideology captures the imagination of the masses. For thousands of years the masses have made history according to which ideology they grasped. Unfortunately, it has mainly been the ideology of our oppressors. Since 1848, however, with the birth of scientific communism we have begun to act on the ideology that serves our class. Since then, through the enormous failures and triumphs of our class's past revolutions, we have garnered the wisdom that only by mobilizing the masses for communism can we destroy capitalism's physical and ideological chains.
Today, we are better positioned to take the reins of history in our hands to create a world where the guiding principle will be, "From each according to their ability and commitment, to each according to their need,"
Education Reform: Ideological Control of Workers and Youth
The US imperialists and Mexican capitalists are using education reform to advance their class interests. The recently-passed Labor Reform will further increase the super-exploitation of Mexican workers, mainly for US imperialism's economic and military needs. To better accomplish this, the most militant and class-conscious workers must first be beaten into submission. This explains the attack on over 1.5 million Mexican public school teachers. These bosses need even more: they demand the complete ideological control of the working class, especially of future generations. They need submissive slaves in their factories to better compete in the world market now, and later for their war machine. They need patriotic anti-communist youth by the millions to eventually fight against China. They hope many of these will come from Mexico.
We must understand our needs and act on them We don't need capitalist education. It creates and perpetuates the ideological chains which enslave us to the capitalists. We need to destroy it. We need communist education. Our communist ideology must prevail over capitalist ideology. This and only this will decide the future in our favor. We will educate our class mainly in the fields, factories and barracks: inside a massive International Communist Workers' Party which mobilizes the masses for communism. In every class struggle we workers, soldiers, teachers and students, we must wage a relentless struggle to defeat capitalist ideology by putting forward our communist analysis and ideology.
We call on all these sectors of the working class in Mexico and throughout the world to join our Party and build it massively to make the communist vision the reality of this and future centuries