Tired of all the poverty, exploitation, discrimination, repression, criminality, and marginalization by the capitalist system, represented by the oligarchy and the state apparatus in its service, the working class of Honduras is getting ready for an unprecedented mass mobilization this May Day.
No wonder, when more than half the population able to work has no job, when the corruption of the state apparatus is growing every day, when criminality increases to the level that today Honduras has the highest crime rate in the world, among other calamities that the capitalist system creates. This can be seen as the organized sectors like the unions, teachers' associations, farmworker organizations, students, housewives, residents and others prepare to march, united. They will tell the government and the ruling class: "Enough of such poverty and exploitation! We are ready to shake off this inhuman yoke to which we have been subjected for centuries"
The rulers can no longer hide that the capitalist system is struggling for survival in the midst of the deepest crisis, which seems to have no way out. Its main example, US imperialism, each day loses more control of the world. Now the people of the Americas, Asia and Africa are rising up against the domination of capital. There appear on the world stage new economic and military powers, willing to struggle for political power and control of the world economy.
We understand that the majority of the slogans in the march will be reformist. However, in these types of mobilizations we see many workers, teachers, farmworkers and other residents ready for a quantitative and qualitative change to transform the capitalist society to a just and collective society in favor of the majority. At this juncture, communism appears as the only possible option to successfully confront all the problems of humanity. This definitely means taking political power, thus enabling the working class to pass from exploitation to freedom in a communist society. This is the work that all the comrades of the world must undertake and carry out. The comrades of ICWP will participate in this great event. We will be there in solidarity with the popular struggles, distributing some pamphlets, the newspaper Red Flag, bringing our own slogans aimed at the struggle for communism, and seeking closer relationships with future comrades.
Workers of the World, Unite! Long Live May Day!