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International Communist Workers Party

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   To Contact ICWP, send an email to: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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The time to organize is NOW! A different world IS possible!



Salute to ICWP-from sailors in the U.S.Navy:

So many things are going on in the world today that show how the capitalist system fails workers everywhere. Being sailors in the U.S. Navy, we can see the developments of imperialism as we shift our focus to the Pacific. We wanted to take a moment to salute the ICWP for all it does for sailors.
The Party keeps us in touch with all other workers' struggles around the world. It helps us to understand military strategies, and offers the sharpest analysis on interimperialist rivalry. It helps us stay focused on how we sailors can best contribute to the class struggle. The Party keeps us organized and pushes us to develop our work, and in turn our work helps develop us. It offers us guidance and confidence to keep struggling. We sailors proudly salute ICWP. We will continue our work until the seas are dominated by one massive international workers' fleet, sailing under the red flag.

Capitalism means WAR, WAR, and WAR.

Capitalist imperialist wars mean CUTS to social services, worker benefits, schools, increased poverty, etc. Police repression of dissent continues to grow, but so does our class consciousness and willingness to fight back. However, fight back alone will not give us the right ideas for creating a communist world free from the cycles of capitalism.

Initially, we saw millions of workers in every corner of the world hating U.S. imperialism; today it seems that millions around the world are identifying their true enemy as capitalism. It now becomes our task to turn this angry fervor into a revolution for communism. There is urgency in this as the ruling class continues to make even wider wars (from Iraq and Afghanistan to possibly Iran and North Korea). This will inevitably lead us to World War III involving wars against China and/or Russia.

WWI produced the Russian Revolution. WWII brought the Chinese Revolution. Although there were huge setbacks with their failed two stage theory of achieving communism (socialism that was in reality state capitalism); we have learned invaluable lessons for achieving a communist system that will smash capitalism once and for all.

Capitalist worldwide will not go down without a fight and they have the military force to kill millions. Their downfall will be that they require thinking human beings to run their military. Even in our age of drones—the ruling class will still need workers to build drones, mechanics to repair drones, and thinking humans to drive drones. In spite of patriotic hype and dehumanization of "our enemy," militar men and women have historically turned their guns around when they realize they are killing their working class brothers and sisters.

Another advantage we have is that despite rulers' constant attempts to kill communist ideas, the international working class has held strong to the vision of a system built on equality, camaraderie, selflessness, human worth, and true freedom. LONG LIVE COMMUNISM!
We need your help to mobilize the masses for communism! Let's develop and widely exchange revolutionary communist ideas in schools, industry, and the military, and put them directly into practice. Join the International Communist Workers' Party (ICWP) this May Day and commit to fighting for the working class!
Today, you join the history of workers fighting for a better world. On May 1, 1886, 350,000 workers and their supporters launched a general strike for an 8-hour workday and better working conditions. In Chicago (USA), police attacked unarmed strikers in Haymarket Square; killing 6 and injuring countless more. On May 1, 1890, workers across the U.S. and Europe answered the Chicago crack- down with mass strikes and demonstrations. They raised the red flag as a symbol for the blood spilled in the workers' struggle. Workers won the 8-hour day, yet our misery continues. The 8-hour day struggle confirmed that workers WILL fight for their interests and that reforms STIFLE their potential. We must fight directly for communism!
In ICWP, we learn about our world to change it! Some argue that without money or rewards there's no motivation to work, but communism motivates workers more than ever because we'll produce directly for our needs! Share these ideas with others, distribute Red Flag, or donate money to help cover printing costs and postage. Consider contributing by writing articles and joining a study/action collective. Visit our website (www.icwpredflag.org) or follow us on Twitter (@ICWPredflag).
Think about working at one of our sectors of focus: industrial workers can leave machines idle, flood the streets, and take up arms when necessary. In times of war industrial workers become war production sites and we have the power to shut down their war machine. Transit workers move everything people included – and can shut whole cities and industries down as well. We will end the bosses' profits and bury capitalism for good!
Lastly, join the long history of revolutionary military mobilization and turn the bosses' guns around to make world war into communist revolution!