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International Communist Workers Party | |
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SOUTH AFRICA — The week before May Day, we had a rally against xenophobia (anti-immigrant racism). Hundreds of leaflets explaining ICWP’s fight for communist revolution were distributed before and during our planned event in a park near a neighborhood of immigrants.
We met and got a warm response from workers and students from almost every African country, the Middle East, Pakistan and Bangladesh. A student from Uganda brought his sister. A family of workers from Zimbabwe brought their neighbors. Students from Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Nigeria, and Somalia were joined by South African black workers and workers of mixed “race” ancestry.
The most exciting part was when a comrade approached a group of white workers and asked them to join our small demo. They did: a family of three came and stayed with us for two hours, listening to the speeches by comrades. The white woman is married to a Chinese man. She and her son and daughter, who are in their early 20’s, are very interested.
We also got a good reception from a group of tourists from Germany and France as they took Red Flags and leaflets. Red Flags were distributed by several comrades, including a young female new member who also spoke at the event.
We had some organizational weaknesses. We made posters but they weren’t brought to the pick-up point. The location of the event could have been better. We talked about all this and what we learned from it at a barbecue that followed. A comrade will be responsible for the logistics, another comrade for the political line and a comrade who is a mass organizer will coordinate future mass mobilizations with the collective.
The comrades are recognizing the relationship between struggle for regular readership of Red Flag and the class struggle we can lead. And to have regular Red Flag readers, the comrades have learned that it is more than giving a copy of Red Flag, we have to know them in a deep way. Our consistent work with all its weaknesses has shown that we can overcome obstacles and prevail.
Greeting comrades.
Today I went with other comrades to General Motors Auto plant to distribute pamphlets of ICWP. We went during the shift change. Most of the workers were very interested in the idea of a classless society as we were explaining to them the meaning of communism. Although it was a very cold and windy day, we were still able to distribute more than 150 pamphlets. Even as we were leaving some of the workers who were finished with their shift were still calling back because they wanted to know about communism and what we were distributing.
A worker in his early 50’s approached us. He said that he has been working for GM for 15 years and yet he does not even own a car and has to go to work on foot. He wanted to know how we were different from the South African Communist Party. We explained to him that SACP is a sell out pro-boss organization and in the past they wanted to fight for socialism. Our party has rejected socialism as a form of capitalism and we will abolish all the aspects of capitalism. This worker was very impressed and he promised to call us and visit our website.
I am an aspiring young autoworker myself and this has given me lot of confidence to mobilize the industrial workers for communism.
--Comrade in South Africa
May 3 — Thousands of anti-racists block a major highway bridge in Tel Aviv protesting the police beating of Demas Fikadey, a 21-year-old soldier of Ethiopian descent, on April 26. Later that night, protesters threw stones and bottles at cops, injuring 56 of them. Hundreds in Jerusalem had already fought police in an earlier protest. Racist harassment and discrimination against the 135,000 Ethiopian Jews in Israel is common, in addition to the con-stant and systematic racism against Arab Israelis. From Baltimore to Tel Aviv, racism will only end when the masses of workers, soldiers and youth mobilize for communism.