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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“I heard your call for, ‘No justice, no peace’,” said Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby as she announced charges against six police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. “Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice.”
Mosby’s “justice” won’t bring Freddie back to life. It won’t keep cops in Baltimore or anywhere else from continuing to murder our young black and latin brothers and sisters. It probably won’t even put Freddie’s killers behind bars. Bail for every one of these butchers is less than the bail set for a teenager who turned himself in after smashing a police car window!
And yet the righteously angry masses are being told to “keep the peace.” Pro-capitalist apologist Al Sharpton said, “At least now we have a day in court.” He said that people shouldn’t use the case to claim that “the system did not work.”
“The system” is a capitalist dictatorship over the masses that “works” when it keeps us passive, divided, confused, and exploited. It “works” even better when it persuades us – against our best interests! – to actively support the rulers in time of war.
Over the last year, “the system” hasn’t been doing its job very well. It sure hasn’t kept angry youth (black and others) from protesting massively and militantly against racist police murder. It provoked the Baltimore masses into open rebellion.
So important sections of the US ruling class are trying desperately to reform their system, or at least to create the appearance of reform.
Hillary Clinton and the New York Times have “discovered” that black men are “missing” from black working-class communities because so many are in prison or the cemetery. The April 9 cover of Time Magazine trumpeted that “Black Lives Matter.”
These rulers hope to channel anti-racist anger into electoral politics and “peaceful and productive rallies,” as Mosby put it. We’re confident that many will see through this ploy. They will come to understand that the “structural and systemic changes” that Mosby can only babble about require communist revolution.
However, the mass demand for “justice” reflects the illusion that a legal system can somehow serve both the exploiters and the exploited.
In truth, the whole system of laws, courts, cops and prisons exists to protect the wealth and property of the few. And they stole it all from the labor of the rest of us, who produced it! The root of racism is capitalism itself.
Communism doesn’t promise “fairer” courts or less-racist cops or “justice.” Instead we call on you to help mobilize the masses to exercise power directly in our collective interest.
There will be no private property and so no property crimes. There will be no unemployment or exploitation. All will learn to do many different kinds of work, always for the common good, and share the fruits of our labor.
In these conditions, comradeship and self-respect will triumph over selfishness and despair. We will handle isolated anti-social behavior without cops or jails. We will mobilize the masses to defeat any organized attempts at sabotage or counter-revolution.
“Riots work,” argued a radical professor, George Ciccariello-Maher (Salon.com). Citing Frantz Fanon, he sharply criticized those like Sharpton who show up during rebellions to preach pacifism to the masses while the racist rulers brutalize them.
However, this position, too, is reformist. Rebellions may “work” to push the rulers into making concessions like the arrests of the Baltimore officers. But only revolution can take power out of their hands. Only communist revolution can destroy the material basis of racism. Only the masses, mobilized for communism, can build the world we need.