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International Communist Workers Party | |
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ICWP’s Achievements Shine on May Day in El Salvador
This May Day, International Workers’ Day, the International Communist Workers’ Party was present to accompany the men and women workers in commemoration of the death of the martyrs of Chicago and to bring communist ideas to the masses.
This year in El Salvador the march of the men and women workers divided into two routes. In the first were the union leaders and lackeys of the current government marching to “celebrate” May Day and to make one or another demand of a reformist character on the FMLN government.
The other march consisted of the more radical organizations with little relation to the electoral party in the government: organizations of students, farmworkers, and men and women city workers, where comrades organized in the ICWP were present as a block as the vanguard of the march in which our revolutionary slogans resounded through the streets.
The march this year was a real achievement since the number of Red Flag newspapers and leaflets that were distributed increased significantly. Thus we brought communist ideas and the invitation to fight for communism organized under ICWP to many more workers this year. Even though the communist literature on both routes was all distributed in the blink of an eye to the large number of workers who came to the commemoration of the martyrs of Chicago, we returned satisfied because of reaching more people.
While distributing newspapers I saw how workers, students and the people who came around the march carefully read the newspaper Red Flag and also our very militant and concrete leaflet in its call to fight and organize for a Communist system and not fight for reforms or trust in an electoral party like the FMLN. There were even people who came to me while I was carrying out this work with other comrades to ask me for two or three copies of Red Flag and leaflets. There were very few who refused to take the literature of our party.
ICWP battles against the reformist literature of the union movement loyal to the FMLN Party, in which communist literature and ideas were the emphatic winners since people left the other leaflets to one side and took ours with its clear call to mobilize the masses for communism.
And it is with this phrase with which I approached with a smile on my face the men and women workers who without fear took our literature, breaking with the campaigns of fear and disorientation by the bosses’ media against the communist movement. At the end of the march, we maintained the organization and planning so that we could leave without any inconvenience and go back to our homes. We ended the day with a delicious lunch, sharing experiences with the comrades from the fields, the city workers, students, teachers, etc.
—A revolutionary communist greeting, from comrades
May Day in Mexico
Although we have been going to the May Day marches for several years, every year it is different. In my case, I expected to see more workers’ anger against the capitalist bosses and their government, as well as a considerable number of police. The march, however, was very calm. One could see dance groups, music and fireworks. Some comrades were baffled by it. It did not affect me much because under capitalism, anything can be expected.
For that reason, I concentrated on talking about the bosses’ preparations for World War III and the historic opportunity we have to take power from the capitalists and fight for a Communist society.
I was motivated by the attention workers paid when I talked to them about communism. It motivated me to keep on talking. However, I think we distributed very few copies of Red Flag; or maybe I personally did not get that many to distribute. I did not get any home or email addresses, but the important thing was that
the workers took our newspaper and read it while waiting for the march to start.
I know comrades have different experiences, and as one comrade told me, “You have lots of experience and it is easy for you.” I told him yes, but that practice doesn’t come easily. It comes from the constant struggle with our contradictions, love for the working class and the conviction that we fight for something that goes beyond our fears, apathy, comfort, selfishness, and passivity. We fight so that one day the Communist society will be possible. To make it possible, every member of the Party must fight with his/hers contradictions today, and make the changes that are required to make real this dream of humanity: communism.
New comrades participated; I could not delve into what were their perceptions or impressions of what they had done that day. However, the simple fact that they accompanied us , took a considerable number of Red Flags and began to distribute them and talk to workers, was a great achievement for our working class internationally.
Greetings to comrades and workers worldwide who took to the streets this May Day. I hope that all these processes contribute to building a communist society. Let’s fight for communism, for the sake of our class and hatred of capitalist bosses. One party, one class: the international working class. Let’s fight for Communism.
—Young comrade from Mexico.
More on Disney’s Lies
I really appreciated the Red Flag review of the movie “McFarland.”
The comrade who wrote it told me another thing I want to share. The father of the runners depicted in the film wasn’t a farmworker exactly. He worked for the growers recruiting other people who did the picking. His family didn’t have to stoop in the fields.
Disney changed the facts to fit the Horatio Alger myth which has done so much to dampen the rebellious spirit of the workers. They want us to believe that any individual can overcome any adversity and that it is our fault if we fail.
The truth is that only collective action will overcome the power of organized wealth, and bring a full life for everyone.