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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The trials of the African migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea remind me of the stories of WW2 I grew up hearing. Both my French parents were refugees when they were young. In 1942, my father had to flee his hometown, Lorient, a harbour in the west coast of France where the Germans built a massive U-Boat base. Unable to destroy the base itself, Churchill decided to burn and bomb the whole town to the ground.
Later, in July 1944, the Allies bombed my little hometown. All its inhabitants, including my mother and her family, had to leave immediately with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Allied planes circled above them while the Nazis pointed their guns at their backs.
Seventy years ago Europe was awash with refugees from all sides fleeing war and all its destructions and horrors. And yet now, African and Middle Eastern immigrants are suffering the same fate at the hands of their own and the EU and US bosses. Too many European workers, influenced by racism, join with their bosses in rejecting the refugees.
This is not just a European policy, but one carried out by capitalist governments in East Asia as well. That’s the situation of the Rohingya refugees from Myanmar who are currently being shuttled from Thailand to Malaysia and increasingly set adrift to die at sea.
The horrors of capitalism know no end, take all forms, and nobody is protected from them. Under communism none of this could ever happen.
First there will be no countries, no borders, no “foreigners,” and no “immigrants.”
No group will invade, bomb or pilfer the resources of another because there will be no reason for it. In communist society, profit won’t exist. We’ll use and share the resources needed for the wellbeing of all humanity, not for the obscene profit of some capitalists.
People will live in communities where we collectively take care of everyone’s needs. Therefore there will be no economic reason why someone would want to flee to another place. We will, however, do a lot more traveling to promote communist internationalism.
Until capitalism is eradicated from the entire world, the military defense of a communist society will be necessary. Apart from that, the only purpose of a communist society will be to take care of the needs of its members. Therefore, nobody will be considered useless or a burden and society will collectively do whatever is necessary to take care of everyone.
We will fight incessantly to eradicate the scourge of racism. Therefore, everyone will be acknowledged as able to contribute and worthy of care. No groups of people (like the Europeans now) will be considered superior or privileged to grant charity to another group.
If communism exists only in some parts of the world and there are still refugees from capitalist countries, we will welcome them. The masses will mobilize to provide necessities. Our navy and party will mobilize masses to rescue them and take them to a safe place. Unlike the European Community, we won’t send them back or confine them in camps.
We will see them as part of our working-class community. Everyone will contribute according to their commitment and capabilities to meet the needs of all.
Primary among those needs is to spread communism worldwide. The potential of these African, Asian, and Middle Eastern immigrants to build communism is endless.
First, newcomers will experience communism first hand, and many will join our party. These new recruits can, in turn, lead thousands – be it in the area they were raised or the area to which they were forced to flee.
Whether new recruits or experienced communists, immigrants’ international experience will be an invaluable revolutionary asset – as it is today.
Twenty years ago a French Minister, talking about refugees, said, infamously, “France could not take care of the misery of the world.” Like profits and war, this is the way capitalists see the world. Rid of the notion of profit, communists see the world another way. We will not take care of the misery of the world; we’ll make sure it no longer exists. Help us build this new world. Join and contribute to IWCP!
Boeing Workers Debate Immigrants’ Revolutionary Potential
In the week before May Day, the discussion about the “immigrant crisis” in the Mediterranean was hot and heavy. “These immigrants are not fleeing for a raise,” insisted a Boeing worker, who has relatives that made that journey. “They are fleeing from a gun.
“If they are going to kill you anyway, why not risk it.”
A worker born in Europe was incensed. The hypocrisy of EU leaders knows no bounds.
“The capitalist regimes destabilize whole continents and push all sorts of racist garbage about those fleeing the ensuing chaos,” he spat out. “They call the Mediterranean ‘the moat.’ As in a moat to keep the ‘African hordes’ out of Europe!”
A comrade born in the U.S. presented a different “take” on the situation. After describing in detail how a communist society would mobilize to make sure nobody drowned and each got what they needed, he emphasized the revolutionary potential of these immigrant workers.
There are no foreigners to a communist. There is no “my country,” only the international working class.
Everything stopped while they considered a communist alternative. Most who were in the discussions thought a communist outlook was good, but faced with the horror that is capitalism they wondered if it was possible.
We must have made some progress because everyone took more Red Flags and some came to our May Day dinner (see last issue).
These big industrial concerns include workers from around the globe. When workers like these join the ICWP, the improbable becomes inevitable.