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International Communist Workers Party | |
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May 18—The European Union agreed in Brussels to use naval ships to intercept and ultimately destroy ships used to smuggle migrants from North Africa. This racist move, aimed at stopping immigrants from coming to Europe, shows the increasing trend of all capitalists-imperialists to deal with world events by military means.
Not surprisingly, the Secretary General of NATO said, “The alliance can offer assistance, if called on.”
It was the EU-US invasion of Libya, which toppled Gaddafi, that created the current chaos and refugee crisis in Libya. These same imperialists have unleashed horrifying destructive wars in the Middle East and Africa, forcing millions to flee. Libya is where thousands go, hoping to get to Europe.
These butchers’ plan to deal with the humanitarian crisis they created will be to create more misery, suffering and death for these immigrants and their families.
Capitalism-imperialism has no humanitarian solution for workers in distress. Their solution is as horrifying as their wars that created these disasters in the first place. This, however, is not the end of the story.
Fighting for maximum profits and world domination, these capitalists-imperialists are actually using the militarization of this crisis as an excuse to further their preparations for war. It will create a humanitarian crisis on a scale never seen before.
Far from the limelight of their media is the real reason: it is their military response to China’s and Russia’s assertiveness on the world stage. It is European imperialism’s move to counter the China-Russia maneuvers in the Mediterranean, which they consider their own.
Seven days before the decision of the EU leaders was announced, Russia and China kicked off “Joint Sea 2015,” 10 days of joint naval war games in the strategic Mediterranean Sea, which connects Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
The US bosses’ Los Angeles Times saw it this way: “Neither Russia nor China has one inch of coastline on the Mediterranean Sea, making it an unlikely and provocative venue for their first joint naval war games. The point is lost on no one: A powerful new alliance of eastern giants is flexing its muscles in the very backyard of Western Europe — much as China has done on its own in the Pacific.”
The Chinese bosses’ Global Times wrote: “Military exchanges are the most sensitive aspects in any bilateral relations. The Mediterranean drills have shown that China and Russia trust each other in the military aspect that will also extend to other areas.”
The LA Times also quoted Gilbert Rozman, a contributor to the Council on Foreign Affairs, who said, “People who call this an axis of convenience ... are missing the bigger picture. This is a relationship about national identity and the big efforts in both countries to establish a different kind of international order.”
Thus these exercises are a direct challenge to EU and US imperialism. But China’s and Russia’s “efforts to establish a different kind of international order” mean challenging primarily US hegemony in the Mediterranean and in the world. It means displacing the US as the world’s dominant imperial power, a position held since 1945. It means World War III.
Some analysts believe the China-Russia axis won’t be consolidated. But, facts are stubborn. For the first time ever, on Victory Day, the anniversary celebrating Russian victory in WWII, Chinese soldiers proudly marched in Red Square alongside the Russian military. Further proof of this emerging axis is that Russian soldiers will march for the first time in Beijing on September 3, to celebrate the end of WWII and China’s victory over Japan.
As the competing imperialists prepare to confront each other in a deadly WWIII, and as the workers of the world face attack after attack, we workers must prepare for revolution. This means distributing Red Flag to workers, soldiers, sailors and students around the world to mobilize for communism. It means building study groups and clubs of ICWP.
In addition, it means calling on sailors and soldiers to refuse to destroy the ships and boats carrying immigrants, but instead to ally with them. It means building ICWP among sailors on all the different ships carrying the flags of different imperialists. Workers of the world have the same interest: getting rid of deadly capitalism and building a collective communist world without bosses, borders or wars for profit.
Immigrants and native born, workers, sailors and soldiers of the world need to mobilize to turn the bosses’ WWIII into revolution for communism, to put an end to capitalism and its deadly competition and wars. Together we will build a world where all workers we’ll be welcome everywhere to collectively meet the needs of the international working class.