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International Communist Workers Party

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Capitalist culture from a communist point of view:

Capitalist Lie #5: The U. S. beat the Nazis


The Truth:

It was primarily the Soviet Red Army and the Communist-led partisan bands spread all over the world that destroyed the German, Italian, and Japanese fascist Axis. In this brief article we write about the Eastern Front.
From 1941 to 1945, over 80% of the Nazis' total fighting strength was deployed against the Soviets. It was not until mid-1944, when it became apparent that the fascists had been resoundingly defeated by the Red Army, that the Second Front was opened by the U.S. and its allies primarily to stop the Communist advance beyond Berlin. However, US education and movies confuse us by making it seem that the US defeated the Nazis worldwide—even on the Eastern Front.
It took the Nazis about three months of fighting, using less than a third of the army, to conquer those ruling classes of West and Central Europe. On June 22, 1941, more than 3.5 million German troops (250 divisions), aided by Finns, Rumanians, and Hungarians, launched an attack on the Soviet Union along a thousand-mile front. Such a gigantic attack force had never been assembled before (Nazis conquered France with 50 divisions; D-Day in Normandy had about 60 Nazi divisions).
As war raged on longer than Nazis had anticipated it was common for Soviet troops to fight to the last man. By November 1941 the Germans had lost nearly 1 million men, but continued to advance, surrounding Leningrad and advancing to Moscow's suburbs. Workers poured out of their factories armed with rifles, lead pipes, and Molotov cocktails. There was no thought of abandoning the capitol and handing Hitler such an important symbolic victory.
On December 5, 1941 the fascists were thrown back 40 miles from the gates of Moscow. This was the first major defeat for the Nazis in World War II.
It was not until the summer of 1942 that the Nazi Army started making forward advances again. However they were held in Stalingrad. Even after the Nazis had captured 80% of the city, communists refused to step back, which helped buy time for a counterattack. Finally, in January 1943, preparations for the counterattack were complete and the Red Army surrounded the Nazis. The Nazis refused to surrender (Hitler's direct orders). The Battle for Stalingrad cost the Nazis 1,500,000 men. The Soviet victory was the strategic turning point of the entire war.
The summer of 1943 saw one last Nazi offensive, Operation Citadel, marked by the Battle of Kursk, the greatest tank battle in history. The high point of the battle came when the main Soviet tank army hit the Nazi tank advance head-on. By the end of the afternoon, the Nazi tank divisions were burning piles of junk, or in full retreat.
The summer of 1944 saw one Red Army victory after another. The fascists were chased through Eastern Europe all the way to Berlin.
However, the courageous Soviet Red Army did not fight for communism, but instead for a united front with the US and other imperialists against the German Axis. Today we need to learn from the correct aspects and the errors of the Soviets to organize a Red Army that mobilizes the masses for communism.