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International Communist Workers Party | |
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We are witnessing the escalation of police terror worldwide. The police are the rulers’ primary line of defense against the increasingly informed angry masses.
The masses are progressively convinced, not only that capitalism cannot meet our needs, but that communism is our only solution! More and more often, the police’s initial response is violence, which has become more militaristic.
While money and maximum profit rule, some among the masses will resort to anti-social behaviors such as theft, robbery, and murder. As long as people feel alienated in society, some will continue to take or deal drugs and be violent with each other.
Communism will abolish the material basis for much of this anti-social behavior because it will eliminate money and profit. As masses commit ourselves to running society, we will do away with the basis of alienation: the capitalist wage system.
Until then, these behaviors are criminalized and the penalties are steep. On a daily basis we see the bosses’ racist courts sentence people—often teens—to facilities designed to warehouse them in prisons. There they learn to use anti-social behavior to their own temporary advantage. This, while the ruling class, the perpetuators of the most heinous crimes, operate with impunity. Communism will abolish the class of exploiters and exploitation.
Not long ago, the police killed Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, in New York. Witnesses all said he had just tried to break up a fight. But five officers pounced on him and placed him in a choke hold, because they claimed he was selling “untaxed cigarettes.” It should come as no surprise that, even though the city’s medical examiner ruled Garner’s death a homicide, the bosses’ “justice system” cleared the cop.
In Communism, we would praise peacekeepers like Garner, not murder them. Violence would be our last option, not how we first engage each other.
If someone were found engaging in anti-social activity, we would convene a group, composed of workers and loved ones from their neighborhood, and intervene. We would first discuss with our comrade how their actions are anti-social. Then, we may need to secure the comrade’s assurance of no further wrongdoing and ensure any follow-up assistance or treatment they may need in order to abstain.
If they repeat the same behaviors, consequences would necessarily be stiffer, but we must always focus on preserving the comrade’s humanity and dignity and ensuring that they see their true value to society. Where they have wronged someone, we will seek to restore relationships.
Where the comrade shows no desire to correct their anti-social behavior, they may need to be separated from society, but that would be our last resort, not our first.
Whereas capitalism serves to alienate, criminalize, and lock away, communism will rehabilitate, reconcile, and restore.
People commit crimes of opportunity because the capitalist system encourages us to see ourselves and our needs as disconnected from the next person’s. It often leaves people desperate to fulfill their needs.
Yes, to an addict, drugs become an actual physiological need. In communism, addicts’ needs will be treated as physical. And mental health concerns and every effort will be made to restore them as productive members of a collective. As society will be healthier for all, their recovery will take place in an environment where we will all be forming healthier, productive relationships with our neighbors.
That’s communism.
The workers had to go in to work but hopefully the conversation will continue.
It will take a mass party to mobilize millions of workers for communist revolution for a world where we only work to fulfill our needs—with no money or wages. We invite these workers to join this fight.