EL SALVADOR-- "In addition to fighting against the bosses, we have to fight with those of the union who reveal us as communists and say that we have ruined their reformist work, and that's true," said a worker, very upset. "You don't need to show fear of those in the union leadership. We already know they defend the bosses, comrade. We have to continue distributing Red Flag," responded a maquila worker emphatically. The problems occurring inside the maquila factories in this country are essentially because the sellout unions are the main defenders of the bosses. They attack the comrades of the International Communist Workers' Party for their proworking class ideas. A comrade pointed out, "With much pride and with my left fist raised high, I, as an exploited worker comrade in one of the biggest factories in El Salvador, where for years the exploitation and inequality among the workers have persisted, will continue to fight until my last breath. "Nevertheless, we workers, being repressed more every day, meet inside the factory and concentrate in the production area, where we demanded our rights, lost for many years. And we demanded that the boss comply by giving us some crumbs that had been won with some reformist agreements. But when we spoke out this way, the owner of the factory began sending the orders to other factories nearby that are owned by the same capitalist.
"All of this has made the workers feel depressed and desperate because there are no positive responses to these problems. And those from the union accuse us and say that it's because of the communists that these things are happening." These statements by a dismayed and upset worker show that the class struggle is an all-out war between workers and bosses.
These men and women workers face the bosses and the union every day, and each time the confrontations are sharper. greater workers' solidarity is needed. Workers from other factories around the world need to speak out and act in favor of their same working class brothers and sisters.Eevery struggle that takes place in these factories is carried out also thinking about the complete liberation of the workers from capitalist repression, to advance the struggle for c o m m u n i s m . That's why the members of ICWP stand together with these men and women workers, concerned about these problems and confronting the servants of capitalism and the owners of the means of production.
"We continue with our heads held high in the march forward because it is clear that the bosses' exploitation of the working class must end. It must disappear by organizing for communism in the International Communist Workers' Party. We will put an end to the problems and miseries that we are living through today. It is clear that communism is the answer to these thousands of problems. We need to destroy this capitalist system and build a new communist system which will be led by the working class," concluded a worker from ICWP. For a new world! Long Live ICWP!
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