Due to the work that we carry out in Mexico, we had to temporarily move to the US. The change that we made is crucial in our work.
We are a communist family with children and a friend of the party, five people in all. ICWP has active members in different countries and thanks to this we were able to stay with two communist families. The families of ICWP have opened the doors of their homes to us, they share their home, their language, their friendship and their support. We learn and share everyday. Without this, it would never have been possible to be here. We are infinitely grateful that they share their lives with us and teach us how to be better communists.
One of the comrades who received us shared a note with our friend: “We are communists, we are comrades, we believe in collectivity and we are building communist relations.” Today I understood even more, from another comrade in the US, that most social relations that drive the working class are not based on money but instead on comradeship.
These are signs of comradeship that steel our confidence in the working class. It’s possible to build indestructible ties with the comrades of ICWP. We’ve met more members and we will be working together in the summer project. Only an international party like ICWP can lead us to communism. Join ICWP!
--Comrades from Mexico
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