International Communist Workers Party | |
“The church cannot be Marxist. … The best way to defeat Marxism is to take seriously the preferential option for the poor.” — Archbishop Oscar Romero, Pastoral Letters (published in 2000)
“In this stormy world overrun by insecurity and doubt, the superb doctrinal fidelity that characterizes Opus Dei is a sign of special grace from God.”— Archbishop Oscar Romero, letter to the Pope, 12 July 1975
Romero attended an Opus Dei gathering of priests on the day he was killed.
EL SALVADOR—Death squads murdered Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero in 1980, by the groups in power in this country. Today Monsignor Romero was beatified, a step toward sainthood. Present were members of Opus Dei. This rightwing and reactionary tendency in the Catholic Church openly supported the military that killed the archbishop of San Salvador.
The capitalist government of the Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN) used this event as a form of massively pacifying the workers’ struggle. It’s trying to get them to stop protesting in the streets against the murders caused by organized crime and the terrible economic conditions in which they are forced to live.
The martyred archbishop was forced to join the side of the poor. It wasn’t through political conviction. It was because the repression of the Salvadoran state’s security forces had reached the Catholic Church, where hundreds of priests put aside Vatican guidelines and joined the struggle for socialist revolution.
The church as an institution never agreed with the revolutionary armed struggle. Those priests who joined the armed struggle lived in the rural areas in contact with the farmworkers.
They were part of the Jesuit tendency that tried to give the impression that the church and religion are like a neutral point that would allow dialogue, rejecting both capitalism and Marxism. This is anti-dialectical and the history of workers’ struggles throughout the centuries has disproved it.
This beatification and the “conciliatory” government propaganda about “dialogue” from the government of Salvador Sanchez Ceren are meant to make us believe that with positive thoughts, joy and hope we can look forward to one day when the society will become better.
However this is in order to keep their businesses now that they are also businessmen. They live off the wage exploitation of the men and women workers of the Alianza Bolivariana companies and others.
Inter-imperialist rivalry is hidden behind the beatification. Due to the closeness of the current liberal Pope Francis with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India. China, South Africa) they are preparing a moral blow to the United States, direct collaborator with the military dictatorships in El Salvador. They are implying that they are the bad imperialists and that the European imperialists are the good ones.
This is happening while Pope Francis covers up the actions of his right wing predecessors like John Paul II. He sympathized with the Polish union movement Solidarity whose goal was the return of bourgeois democracy to Poland. Pope Francis supports John Paul I with silence about the violence in El Salvador during the 1970’s.
At the same time that Romero’s murder was engendered in the historical memory of the working class, the church is pardoning his killers. The electoral left is pardoning and dialoguing with the traditional right wing.
The masses don’t need peace marches or beatifications to solve their economic and social problems. These problems result from the economic, political and thus social organization of capitalist society.
The masses need a Communist Revolution and an International Communist Workers’ Party following a dialectical process in the struggle for Communist Revolution.
We are continuing the organization of the masses of workers in El Salvador mainly in the areas of textile factories where the psychological repression and mistreatment by the bosses and supervisors are constant. The ICWP accompany the struggles and protests of the workers throughout the country.