HONDURAS — The oligarchy, with the support
of its state apparatus (army, police, prosecution,
judiciary) has unleashed brutal repression
against the Honduran farmworkers, from the Sula
Valley to the Valley of Aguán. This includes illegal
detention, prosecution, imprisonment, and eviction
from the lands the farmworkers have occupied and
remained in possession of for many years. There
have been more than 80 deaths in recent years, all
of workers defending the land they cultivate to sustain
themselves and their families. However, the current situation has unleashed
massive anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist sentiments
among the masses.
The farmworkers have waged a heroic struggle!
But, unfortunately, it has remained within the limits
of the same capitalist system, leading us to a
dead end. The farmworkers need to struggle to
build a communist world, along with their working-
class brothers and sisters in the factories and
mines, destroying capitalism, money and private
property. They need to struggle for
the land and all production to be in
the hands of the whole working
In the current struggle, the farmworkers
confront the big sugarcane,
banana and palm companies,
both national and transnational.
For example, the Tela Railroad
Company and the Standard Fruit
Company which took over large
tracts of land over a hundred years
ago and remain the capitalist companies
that exploit the largest number
of wage slaves in Honduras.
Now there have arisen at least three more
landowner families, among them the Facuse family
of Arab origin and the Morales family of
Nicaraguan origin, who have acquired large tracts
of land planted with African palm, whose profitable
fruit serves to make vegetable oils and other
derivatives. All of them have the full support of
capitalism's laws, its banks and its repressive
state apparatus.
In addition, these farmworkers did not even
have the support of their own blatantly opportunistic
union officials of other unions. These
unions were once the largest and most militant
organizations in Honduras. They led the longestlasting
strike in Latin America, which for 69 days
in 1954 paralyzed the Tela Railroad Company.
But today these organizations exist only on paper.
In view of the farmworkers' desperation, an intensification
of the struggle is expected in the
coming days. The balance of forces may be unfavorable
for them, but we have confidence that
these comrades can understand that the struggle
must go beyond recovery or ownership of a parcel
of land. The whole history of feudalism and capitalism
shows that nothing can guarantee that this
land would belong to them for eternity. Even if
they won back the land, the big capitalists could
again evict them.
We call on the farmworkers and their supporters
to join with us and to see that only by promoting
the complete destruction of the capitalist exploiter,
together with their oligarchy and repressive agents,
can we move to a new society, a society which
guarantees the collective production and equitable
distribution of food and all the things that our class
needs. This is a communist society, which is the
only one which will guarantee the worlds' working
class a just and dignified society.
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