New Youth ICWP Study Group Prepares
Future Communist Leaders
ICWP's youth in Los Angeles have taken it
upon ourselves to organize a study group. The
study group consists of high school students,
college students, and young people who have
entered the work force. The purpose of this
new group is to struggle with our comrades and
mobilize a mass party in which we all are prepared
to fight for communism.
Group discussions are held weekly where we
read and study Red Flag. We discuss society
and popular culture, and world events. We
focus on these issues in order to understand
that capitalism plays a role in all of our everyday
lives. We have realized that capitalists
push their ideas on us through popular culture
and that trying to survive under capitalism is
becoming more difficult with the world situation
and world war on the horizon.
Although our group is small, we urge all readers
of Red Flag to organize similar study
groups so that we may mobilize our friends, families
and co-workers for communism. As
youth it is our destiny to inherit the struggle for
a better tomorrow and lead this and the next
generation of communists, both young and old,
to victory over the plague of capitalism.
We as the future leaders of this party are
preparing ourselves to do so. Long live communism
and the ICWP!
—Los Angeles comrades
Marx and Engels Live On! Recently my buddy and I were in Berlin as
tourists. We visited places with historical lessons
we'll write about later, but what got me the
most was visiting the park with the twelve-foottall
statue of Marx and Engels. People arrived
constantly throughout the day, staring at the
statue for a long time with passion and amazement.
Most people, old and young, were taking
their pictures standing next to Marx and Engels.
One man was taking pictures from every
angle, walking around and staring at the statue
for a long time. Of course there were random
tourists who didn't have a clue about these two
great leaders and fighters for the working class.
But most people who were there to see the statue
seemed to know why they were there.
My buddy asked a gentleman who was looking
at the statue to take our pictures with Marx
and Engels. The man said, "If you don't know
who these men were, I won't take your picture."
My buddy rolled her eyes, and he agreed to
take our picture. While he was taking our picture
we raised our fists in the air.
He got it, and said, "Make sure it came out. If
not, I'll try again."
Later, three men and two women were looking
at the statue with great emotion. One of the
women held Marx's hand with admiration, and
then saluted him while her friend took her picture.
Then she took his picture while he held
his fist in the air. My buddy offered to take the
picture of the whole group, and they were
happy to let her. She took their pictures with the
cameras of everyone in the group. "We are
from China," said one of the women. "Shanghai.
You know?"
"I know," responded my buddy.
These tourists looked old enough to have
taken part in the Shanghai People's Commune,
a monumental Leftist movement of the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
It was inspiring to me to see the number of
people coming to see the statue of these great
teachers of the working class. Communism is
still alive and kicking.
—Red Tourist
Transit Workers Respond to Call to
Double Red Flag Readership
We distributed Red Flag at several transit divisions
in Los Angeles last week, together with
a leaflet about the mass struggle in Brazil and
another about the BART strike in the Bay Area.
The leaflets called for communist solidarity.
We asked workers to take an extra copy or
two of Red Flag for co-workers, explaining that
we have a campaign to double the number of
transit workers who read Red Flag. By doubling
the number of workers who read the
paper regularly from about 800 to 1600, a growing
number of workers will think and act on
communist ideas to unite together against capitalism.
On hearing this, many workers responded by
saying things like "Okay, let's do it," and took
one or two more papers. A couple of workers
said, "I'm not sure if my friends will want it, but
I'll see if they do."
In this way, the number of papers distributed
at several divisions increased between 25%
and 90%. Workers who have been reading
Red Flag welcomed being part of a campaign
to help spread it.
This campaign is part of taking a mass approach
to mobilizing for communism.
We urge all Red Flag distributors and
readers to do the same in all our concentrations.
—LA comrade
Fighting Sexism:We Are One
Class, We're The Working Class
In a get-together with Red Flag readers,
we had prepared a delicious meal,
and someone commented to the comrade
who had made the paella, "The
food is great. Now you can get married."
Of course the food was great, but nevertheless,
the comment focused on the
idea that if a woman can cook, then she
can get married.
In the capitalist system, this kind of
sexist teaching tells us that women can
only carry out "certain kinds of tasks"
like cooking, ironing, washing clothes
and raising children. On the other hand,
men carry out the role of bringing money into
the house and doing jobs that women supposedly
can't or don't know how to do.
Capitalist teachings are based on dividing
the working class to keep wages low. Women
are mistreated and super-exploited to the point
that in some factories (for example, in El Salvador)
women are docked for the time they go to
the restroom. Accepting this disrespect for
women leads us inevitably to the destruction of
the organization of revolutionary communist
struggle. The best way to destroy this form of
division is teaching workers that our struggle is
not against the opposite sex, but against our
class enemy: imperialism and capitalism.
Every day we see ordinary disputes in families
because the wife hasn't prepared the food
in time for the husband to go to work or simply
because "it's women's work." Communists have
to fight against this capitalist idea, first of all
bringing this political struggle into their homes.
Communists must raise children so that they
understand that housework must be shared
and that there are no gender-based tasks. We
were talking once with a comrade about raising
children, wondering why in clothing stores baby
clothes are divided by color, and she said that,
in a communist system, color won't represent a
boy or a girl. They're just colors and they have
no role in bringing up a baby.
If we raise children without the sexist idea
that the woman (or the man) is the weaker sex,
they will be true stalwarts for the revolutionary
communist struggle. They will consider their
partners as comrades, fighting against the true
class enemy: the capitalist system.
The International Communist Workers' Party
carries out this revolutionary communist political
struggle to destroy the sexist ideas that can
become problems for comrades and hurt the
good functioning of the party. We fight alongside
and on behalf of men and women workers,
regardless of gender, with one goal: to build a
communist world.
We who form this Red Army must be clear,
and fight sexist ideas with communist dialectics.
This will always tell us that the main thing
is the working class struggle—without painting
our comrades one color or another.
We are one class, we're the working class!
We fight to overthrow capitalism and build a
communist world.
—Comrade in Spain
First Article