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International Communist Workers Party

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The New Holocaust That Immigrants Suffer on the Road to the Empire


According to reports and statistics from the Center for Returned Migrants, in Honduras, nine out of every ten people who try to reach the North (the US) are returned to the country. This year, 21,000 people were deported by air and as many by land. This means that more than one hundred Hondurans are forcibly deported every day, creating tremendous frustration for many.Honduras train
Many of them or their families are in debt to pay for the adventure of the "American Dream" that they couldn't reach. Now they have no choice but to continue living the reality of marginalization or to try the adventure again.
Here in Honduras there are no opportunities for work, education and housing, the products of the capitalist crisis and resulting marginalization.
Much has been said about the holocaust that the Jews and other human beings suffered first-hand in Nazi Germany prior to the outbreak of World War II. In Central America, and in all of Latin America, for a long time, we have lived with another holocaust that involves hundreds of thousands of people, which is the tragedy and suffering to which the immigrants are subjected on their journey to the north in their search for survival.
The tragedy starts when the migrants leave their country of origin. The route they have to travel is almost four thousand miles to get to the US border. They do not have identification documents, or means of subsistence for their journey.
From the time they enter Mexican territory, they face a heartbreaking environment, which is falling into the hands of criminal gangs. The least that the gangs do is strip them of their few belongings. Sometimes they subject them to threats or rape them. The "lucky" ones can run and climb to the roof of a train called "The Beast," where many are killed or their extremities are injured.
These calamities will not happen in a communist system, because, for one thing, the whole population will be engaged in collective work that benefits all of society; that is, in collective production of all the goods that are required to meet workers' needs. Nor will massive immigration to other countries exist. There will be no need for it.
The mass migration of people is nothing more than the failure of the capitalist system, which, to be able to subsist, requires and subjects the working class to greater exploitation. As a result this creates massive unemployment, neglect of basic needs of the population, and marginalization of the dispossessed. But if the state becomes cynical and indifferent to this scourge, nevertheless it interests them because those who are able to enter the US and get a job send money back to their families. At this time, in several Central American countries, these remittances are the largest source of foreign exchange and that which sustains its economies.
Territorial borders between countries will disappear, since throughout history these were the work of the ruling class exploiters to control a certain territory, to maintain their private property, the means of production, to have their own system of exploitation and oppression in favor of the oligarchy. The oligarchy and their exploitation will not exist in the communist system for which we comrades of ICWP struggle.

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