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International Communist Workers Party

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Communist Summer Project in Seattle:

Workers & Soldiers Reading & Discussing Red Flag


Our Summer Project in Seattle began in the most motivating way with a long two day trip.
We took advantage of this time to discuss with the comrades themes like dialectical materialism and also to write a leaflet.
As we were arriving at our destination, the comrades who were waiting for us invited us to a demonstration against the verdict in the case of Trayvon Martin. We distributed dozens of Red Flag newspapers and leaflets there, and we spoke to several people who said they were very angry with the racism that the system carries out day in and day out.
We met an immigrant worker who was very open and interested in our ideas. He said he liked to come to these demonstrations because "it seems important to add your grain of sand to the struggle." So we invited him to participate in a more effective and forceful way with us in the activities of the project. Because of his job, he couldn't participate during the week, but only in the social activity at the end of the project. The next day, we got our calendar of activities, which included distribution of our newspaper and leaflets at several different places. We went to three Boeing factories, where we distributed more than 500 Red Flags and hundreds of leaflets among the workers.
Here one of the most motivating experiences that we had was with a young black worker who, after he left work, was waiting for the bus. He didn't want to take our literature until one of his friends(a white worker) took it. That interested him and he came to ask us for a paper. While he was waiting for his bus he read Red Flag, and was very interested. The next morning when they went to work together, they saw us and greeted us warmly and between them they took three more newspapers for their friends inside the plant. We also visited friends of the Party to strengthen the relationship with them. In one of these visits, we had a good discussion about the eventual need for armed revolution. This is something about which many people don't want to think about, but we have learned from bitter experience, for example in Chile under Allende and many others, that it will be necessary. We also went to a military base to take our ideas to the soldiers. We were pleased, as always, with the good response to the offer of an openly communist newspaper. Then we visited the neighborhood where we went door to door to speak with soldiers' families.
Throughout the whole week, we distributed over 1,000 Red Flags and hundreds of leaflets. In addition, every day this project strengthened us more as comrades since we worked together collectively, including on things that apparently are not important but which in reality are, like the work of the household chores, since this sexist system teaches us that this is women's work. Every time we left to distribute the paper or to visit comrades, we were more motivated because we realized that the masses are open to our ideas and that our struggle for a better society, that only communism can give us, is being well received by the masses. Many youth, and men and women workers are interested in learning about our line and when we see all this, we realize that we are on the correct road. And not just here, but around the world, the masses are in motion like in Brazil, Egypt, etc.
Finally, the person who we met the first day called us the day after the closing activity asking us for more newspapers for a co-worker. During the interesting project this summer, not only new contacts, but co-workers and old friends were encouraged in seeing many new people. They responded by taking more newspapers to distribute among their friends and relatives and with them to spread communist ideas.

Communism: just common sense!

LA Summer LA Summer