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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The workers of the world are facing economic attacks and the threat of widening wars and world war. Some of us face starvation in the midst of abundance because of capitalism’s crisis of overproduction. Only capitalism can produce “too much” food while starving countless for lack of money. Only under capitalism are workers’ lives worthless and snuffed out by the millions.
Communism will produce to meet everyone’s needs. No one will have too much while others are hungry, homeless or lack medical care. Everyone will do mental and manual work to produce everything we need.
Communism will cherish human life above everything. Communist production and social relations will enable everyone to reach their maximum potential as creative human beings.
Building for Communism Starts Now.
We must see at every capitalist attack against our class as an opportunity to build for communism by mobilizing the masses directly to fight for communism. The racist murder of a black worker in the US, attacks on the maquilla workers in El Salvador, on students and teachers in Mexico, or on miners in South Africa - can be used not only to indict capitalism but to project a vision of how communism will be different.
This vision will inspire millions to join ICWP and will fortify their commitment and dedication to the struggle for communism, and will be the building blocks – before, during and after the revolution - of the communist world we need.
The Old International Communist Movement Lacked This Communist Vision
From its very birth, the main contradiction inside the international communist movement has been right opportunism: the belief that workers can’t be won to fight directly for communism. This opportunism has taken many forms, from communists burying themselves in the trade unions, to denying there will be war even on the eve of world war, to allying in war with “lesser evil bosses” against “worse bosses.”
Because of this internal weakness, our predecessors did not take advantage of every opportunity to mobilize the masses for communism. Instead of presenting workers with a communist vision to fight for, they won the working class to fight for national liberation, for socialism, or simply for trade union reformism.
What is the Current Situation in the World?
The main contradiction in the world today is the rivalry between the competing imperialists. They are lining up in opposing camps: the Russian and Chinese imperialist on one side and US imperialists on the other.
Both camps are forming alliances. These alliances are not set in stone. The dog-eat-dog nature of capitalism doesn’t breed loyalty. Each capitalist group competes to be on top, while at the same time they increase their murderous attacks against our class. This inevitably leads to wars, and eventual world war. Even now they are planning and preparing for wider wars although the battle lines aren’t completely clear.
Capitalist wars pit worker against worker. Communists strive to unite the world’s workers to fight for and achieve a world without competition. We have the same interests and the same need for a communist world. Capitalist competition divides us; communist collectivity unites and makes us strong. Capitalist competition spells death and destruction; communist collectivity means life and creativity.
As a declining US imperialist power and the rising Chinese and resurgent Russian imperialist powers prepare to fight each other over world domination, the International Communist Workers’ Party is organizing to make the main contradiction the working class versus the capitalist class: capitalism-imperialism versus communism.
It is not an easy struggle. But from the rubble of Stalingrad to the caves of Yenan to the mountains of El Salvador and streets of Soweto, masses of workers have sacrificed and fought courageously for the international working class. Through theory and practice, masses of workers, soldiers, youth and others will continuously learn how to better mobilize the masses for communism.
Bosses’ Wars and Economic Crises: Mainly Opportunities for Revolution
During France’s wars against Spain and England, Haitian slaves organized a successful revolution, abolishing slavery in 1803.
During World War I, Russian communists led the Russian working class to power in 1917. Fighting the Japanese imperialist invaders and the Chinese bosses, before, during and after WWII, the Chinese communists led the working class to power in 1949.
These examples show how capitalist crisis and war, especially world war, put millions, especially soldiers and workers, in motion against the bosses. They present enormous opportunities for the working class to take power and establish communism.
The bosses launch their wars of destruction and death for profits and empires. Workers launch our revolutionary communist war to foster life and a healthy environment by eliminating capitalism forever with its racism, sexism, wage slavery, borders, exploitation, money and wars.
Communism will triumph because we, the masses, are the architects of history. Today we have at our disposal the most advanced political line our class has ever had: Mobilize the Masses for Communism.
We can all contribute and make a difference. We urge you to join ICWP and help build it massively internationally. Read and distribute Red Flag to your co-workers, friends and family. Organize study-action groups around Red Flag and recruit them to ICWP. This and only this will guarantee that the next historical epoch will produce a classless world inhabited by a communist human race.