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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Tourists visiting France’s famous Mont Saint Michel in July were greeted by an unexpected sight:: a dozen tractors and farm vehicles blocking the road, guarded by a hundred or so farmers/ranchers. Similar blockades took place on freeways and the entrances to cities such as Lyon throughout the country. They were protesting low prices for their products such as milk and meat and demanding government aid. Ten percent of the French farmers and ranchers are all but bankrupt and most are heavily in debt.
The cause of the low prices? Overproduction of food in Europe. The farmers of France, Germany, Italy etc can produce far more food than the market can bear.
Lots of food? Sounds great! And under communism, it would be. We’d distribute it free, according to the principle “to each according to their needs” and no one would go hungry. In particular not the migrants at Calais, currently trying to flee to England to escape starvation in France. Not only would they be fed, they would be welcome to stay and live, work, study etc like everyone else.
It would be great for the farmers too. Under communism there will be no money, no debts, no bankruptcies. No private property either – farmers would no longer own their farms, and no longer be the employers of those who work there. Some would not like this tradeoff but for most it would mean that they can continue as farmers. They would no longer be at the mercy of capitalism’s relentless drive towards corporate agribusiness.
Organizing all this requires a huge party of dedicated communists. The ICWP is preparing to play this role everywhere in the world. We need you to join us, and be part of ending hunger and starvation for good!
Under capitalism, however, overproduction is a disaster even for those bosses who employ the farmworkers those who produce the food. They can’t sell the food they produce and therefore can’t recoup the money they invested in its production. Instead of feeding the hungry, they cut back on production, close factories and farms, lay off workers, and add bankrupt farmers to the unemployed. Then, to meet the sharpening competition, they try to increase productivity by making the farmers and workers still employed work even harder.
Under communism there will be neither layoffs nor speedup. With food produced in abundance we can make life easier for those who produce and process it. The farmers, for example, typically work 12-14 hours a day just to keep their heads above water. Slaughterhouse workers work similar hours. They can all take a break while we bring in large numbers of the formerly unemployed to spell them off.
In other words, while we will reduce the productivity (and work stress) of the individual worker, we increase the overall total level of production by making use of the abundance of available workers. Capitalism does the opposite; it increases to the maximum the productivity and work stress of the individual worker, while reducing the overall level of production.
We can also improve the quality of the food by dropping out of the productivity rat race while increasing production. For example, we can raise the animals in humane conditions. We can manage their waste better causing less damage to the environment. Finally, we can have mass discussions about what we want/should eat. Maybe not as much meat and milk. The important point is, we will be free to do what we want. We will no longer be slaves to the bosses and the blind forces of their markets.
The crisis of overproduction is causing large scale suffering but at least it is making it crystal clear that capitalism must end. As Marx said, the capitalists can’t even feed their wage slaves. However, to end this suffering we must establish communism. This requires an ICWP millions strong. Join us!
We Will Not Accept Capitalism’s Destruction of Our Food
The crisis of over production sharpens other contradictions as well. For example, German agriculture is more competitive because of the racist super-exploitation of migrant workers from Eastern Europe. In response, French farmers blockaded border crossings with Germany and stopped food trucks from entering France.
They opened up one truck and found milk. The farmers (who are small business men and don’t have a working-class outlook) were outraged that Germans were bringing milk into France. What did they do with the milk? They didn’t send it to Calais. They dumped it on the ground— they destroyed it.
To drive the point home, imagine an ICWP social event (we hold lots of them). Imagine someone from Germany showing up with some milk they want to give us. Would we chase them away? Then pour their milk on the ground? Not a chance!
Destroying food that workers need is unacceptable. To end this insanity, we must establish communism. This requires an ICWP millions strong. Join us – we won’t chase you away!