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Answer Israeli Fascist Onslaught in Gaza with International Fight for Communism


July 30, 2014--The Israeli government's racist carnage in Gaza has murdered over 1200 Palestinians, including many women and children. Entire families have been wiped out. Thousands have been injured, many more have been left homeless.

tel aviv demo
Tel Aviv Protest

The fascist Israeli government is pulling the trigger but the US bosses, "decrying" this senseless slaughter in their press, have their hands dripping with Palestinian blood. US money and weapons enable the genocidal Israeli war machine to carry out these atrocities.

All these genocidal wars  raging from the Middle East to the Ukraine to Africa are direct results of capitalist-imperialist competition for raw materials, cheap labor and markets. This will lead inevitably to World War III to decide which imperialist will dominate the world and these resources.

Only communist revolution can put an end to this scourge. Communism will eliminate the capitalist-imperialists and their competition for maximum profits. With no money, nothing will be bought or sold. Production will be only to satisfy the needs of the international working class.

Millions  long for such a  world. The hundreds of thousands who are demonstrating against the Gaza massacre- from the West Bank to Tel Aviv and Egypt, from Paris to Morocco and the US -  can be won to fight for communism. They are open to communist ideas. Many such marchers gladly took copies of Red Flag in Los Angeles.

The fighting spirit of the Palestinian masses is inspiring. These brave fighters and their supporters need to reject Hamas and its nationalist, fundamentalist, pro-capitalist ideology. They need to mobilize to fight for a communist world with no racism, nationalism, bosses or borders.

Racism in the Service of Capitalism-Imperialism

Israel was founded as a Jewish state to "protect" those who had suffered at the hands of the Nazis. But to create it, Palestinians were massively slaughtered and driven from their homes. From its very inception Israel was a racist, capitalist state.

Anti-Palestinian and anti-Jewish racism serve the Israel and Arab rulers well. They trick both groups of workers into supporting their oppressors in their dog fight over territories, resources and regional domination instead of organizing a communist revolution to destroy them all.

This enabled US imperialism to use Israel to viciously police the region, protecting US bosses' oil interests there, without fear of a revolutionary movement. Now, however, as US imperialism extricates itself from the region and pivots to Asia- Pacific, Israel is becoming a liability that some US rulers want to dump.

This could create a dangerous situation because Israel as a loose cannon could attack Syria or Iran and, depending on these regimes' response, plunge the world into WWIII. The logic of capitalism-imperialism is to create more chaos, destruction and death.

Answer fascism with communist revolution

Workers can either be won to communism or lost to fascism. The Israeli bosses have won many Israeli workers to fascism. Since 2001, when air strikes were first launched against Gaza, some Israelis have sat watching and cheering the slaughter of Palestinians.

tel aviv demo
Los Angeles Protestors

Even those who for centuries have been victims of the most vicious racism can be won to fascism. As US bosses prepare for wider wars and WWIII, they will also intensify their efforts to win US workers to patriotism, racism and fascism. Not too long ago, lynchings in the US south were public spectacles where white racists came to watch and celebrate the murders of black workers and youth.

There is a rising international tide of racism-fascism from the Middle East to Ukraine to Europe to the US to Russia. It can only be confronted with a massive revolutionary communist movement that spreads Red Flag to combat the bosses' dangerous ideologies.

In danger, however, there is opportunity. Over 5000 Israelis demonstrated last Saturday in Tel Aviv against the bombardment of Gaza, as did Arabs in the West Bank and throughout the Middle East. ifty Israeli Reservists refused to serve in the Gaza war. Others refused to serve in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. 

These young soldiers, like soldiers everywhere, can be won to turn their hatred of capitalism's racist oppression into dedication to fight for communism. Opportunity demands urgency - urgency to distribute  massively and join and build ICWP worldwide to mobilize masses of workers, soldiers and students to destroy capitalism-imperialism once and for all.


Join the International Communist Workers' Party   (ICWP)

www.icwpredflag.org  — (310) 487-7674

E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com

Write to:  P.M.B. 362

3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA

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