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International Communist Workers Party

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The Imperialist Struggle for the Control of Markets and Oil Profits Only Claims More Workers' Lives


A recent report of international agencies said that the conflict in Eastern Ukraine caused "at least" 478 deaths, before the deaths from flight M17,  the majority civilians, as a result of the fight against the pro-Russian  Independents  by the Ukrainian army, led by the new fascist government of Piotr Poroshenko in the eastern Ukraine. He declares as national heroes  known Nazi collaborators in the Nazi army in WWII who called for "helping the German army smash Moscow and Bolshevism." 

The present conflict goes beyond the fight for independence or national identity, ideas that the capitalist system inculcates in us from kindergarten, to mold us to be good patriots. Their goal is to divide workers and use them as cannon fodder in their fierce battles for global markets. The real problem in Ukraine and the rest of Europe is the fight between the giant corporations of Gazprom (Russia) and their allies and Naftogaz (Ukraine) and their allies over the transport and sale of much needed gas for major European cities. The bosses' global press wants us to believe that there's a bad imperialist and a good imperialist, depending on which television network (CNN, RT, Reuters) that you watch. This just covers up this imperialist fight that is sharpening along with the capitalist contradictions of their free-market economy.

There's no benefit for the workers in siding with either the European Union-USA or Russia and their ally, China. No imperialist represents the interests of the working class. There's only death and poverty because both sides represent the same capitalist system and its bosses.

The only solution for men and women workers as the capitalists take us to another global conflict that seems to be far off, but is actually close, is to organize to defeat the real enemies of the working class worldwide, the bosses and the capitalist system. Through the daily collective struggle in the communist clubs of ICWP we bring our communist literature (Red Flag, Mobilize the Masses for Communism) to more workers to motivate them to join this struggle.

We can't wait for this to happen. The bosses see how hundreds of people died in Ukraine and Crimea. For them, these deaths are only statistics, or something that had to happen to improve the economy. We workers must fight against them, because the bosses are the ones who generate these problems while the workers and our families always suffer the consequences. We must fight for communism, organizing in the ICWP to build the red army that will fight for the revolutionary transformation of society worldwide.

How do we achieve this? Is it possible?

Communist theory is the result of the historic development of humanity, the product of science. One of its fundamental bases is historical materialism. History shows us that a different world is possible, without capitalism, where the central axis of global society will be the well-being of the human being and harmony with the environment. From the Paris Commune to the Bolshevik revolution, the desire for a communist world became real. It ceased to be a utopia and became totally possible.  It will come as the collective effort of millions of men and women, some of whom are now organizing in ICWP clubs worldwide to fight for communism, for human dignity and the emancipation of the working class from the oppressor, with our mass newspaper Red Flag.

The struggle is on all  fronts: in schools, factories, parks, in the family, in our daily lives, in the ICWP clubs  organizing, reading, and discussing Red Flag. This is how we are collectively building an effort for and of the working class for the elimination of the capitalism. We invite you to be an active part of this fight. Join the ICWP in the historic process. 

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