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International Communist Workers Party

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Setting the Record Straight:

Straight Into the Heart of the Capitalist Beast


In case anybody had any illusions, Boeing CEO McNerney set the record straight. His immediate job is to attack us workers. The capitalist system he serves demands it.

McNerney said he wouldn't retire when he reaches 65 this month.


"The heart will still be beating. The employees will still be cowering," he told reporters and Wall Street analysts July 23rd. "There is no end in sight."

The shop floors erupted, forcing the newly elected International Association of Machinists (IAM) District president Holden to react. Knowing his "mandate" consisted of a mere 4% of the eligible votes among union members, he set out on a crusade.

"This is less about how a single person feels and more about a corporate leadership culture and attitude that need to change," said District president Holden.

You'd have more luck changing the spots on a leopard.

What we need to change is our strategy. We must shed the illusion that capitalist "culture and attitudes" can ever be reformed to serve our interests.

We have to prepare for political strikes that mobilize the masses for communism.

The Union Becomes Less Relevant Every Day


In the midst of this debacle, the union passed out a survey. It asked how we felt about pensions and other contractual issues.

Angry workers interrupted some company crew meetings. "What the hell is all this about?" cynically asked a Machinist. "Pensions are dead and gone. A new contract won't come up for ten years!"

On the same day as the union passed out this lame attempt to show some relevance to our lives, workers grabbed Red Flag and circulated our communist solidarity letter for 220,000 striking South African Metalworkers.

The union is more than clueless. It is actively trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Its job is to protect the bosses' system.

Anti-Communism Is The Bosses' Tool

That is why the IAM newspaper featured an anti-communist quotation that we were supposed to believe attacked Mc-Nerney.

"Not even communists treated us with such arrogance," said someone who identified himself as an immigrant from a former communist country. "They at least pretended that they care about workers."

To be sure, he did not come from a communist country. He came from a socialist country. Socialism is not communism. Socialism is another form of capitalism.

The form of capitalism is irrelevant. Every capitalist ruling class is hell-bent on attacking the working class. They have no other choice as the system's economic crisis works it way around the world.

Eventually, even this scorched-earth policy won't save their profit-driven companies. The bosses will be forced to militarily attack their foreign competitors, squandering our lives in addition to our livelihoods.

Setting The Record Straight

So let's really set the record straight.  Communism will change the foundation of society.

There will be no corporations. Industrial facilities will be organized to produce what we need, not what the bosses can profit from.

The whole culture will change from the factory floor up. Separating mental from manual labor is profitable. Collectivity serves another purpose. It strengthens the working class.

Profit requires the whip hand of fear: fear of losing a job. Communism will provide according to need.

Attitudes will change. We will go to work to provide for the common good, not be forced to sell our labor to the profit-hungry exploiters.

Communism will not change the unchangeable corporate culture because there will be no cor-

porate culture. Corporate culture will no longer poison society. Communist production, attitudes and culture will return our humanity.

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