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International Communist Workers Party

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Mexico: "Education Reform" Shows Need to

Eliminate Wage Labor, not "Improve" Capitalist Schools


The capitalist class, through its State/government is pushing the "Update of plans and programs" in the College of Sciences and Humanities (CCH) and has decreed an "Education Reform" in basic education.
Governments fit the curriculum to the "needs of the system of production": to improve the teaching of the mother tongue, of basic mathematics operations, of a foreign language (preferably English), the use of computers and physical education. These are their goals, in every country in the world.
They seek to guarantee that what is taught serves the requirements of the corporations, not only technically but also in their need to fight for markets and sources of raw materials world wide. Since most of the businesses functioning in much of Latin America are still from the USA, the curriculum fits the needs of the US imperialists, in preparation for wider wars. They need production for war and preparation of soldiers.
Today when the working class is protesting all over the world, we need to change our way of thinking and advocate the elimination of exploitation, the capitalists' use of workers' labor power. We must fight for the overthrow of the capitalists, not for democracy or socialism (state capitalism).
We need a superior society in which the workers freely associate, producing use values, not commodities. We don't need money for exchange since there won't be exchange, but instead direct distribution after securing the provisions that ensure the future of humanity.
Each will receive according to their need, regardless of what kind of work they carry out since everyone of working age will work for the benefit of our brothers and sisters around the world.
Education will take place in the centers of work or around them so that it corresponds to the needs of the world's workers. And it will combine work, study and exercise.
Fight over profits forces the bosses world wide to "improve" the training of labor power. At the beginning of the factory system, the most intelligent, sensible, and supposedly humane legislators issued laws in England which forced manufacturers to provide education to the children whom they employed. They trickily put in teachers who didn't even know how to read. Education, even though necessary to improve worker performance, was given in "homeopathic [tiny] doses," in the words of Adam Smith.
Later, the capitalists understood the need for future industrial and farm workers to read and carry out basic operations, and thus created "public education," which is ruled by governments and maintained with taxes, the "public purse." Even on its own terms, "public education" resulted in a fraud. The capitalists corrupt everything. They vilify the teachers, bribing them through the unions, giving preference for jobs to some against their own laws, with the goal of getting support for their government. They extend the curriculum to delay the youths' search for jobs.
Bad living conditions, malnutrition, the problems associated with exploitation like racist poverty, contribute equally to making "public education" barely reach 40% efficiency world wide.
Moreover, if they were more efficient, it would be to benefit capitalism. As the low wages of teachers and the large class sizes lead to students dropping out of school and non-accreditation, the international organizations like OECD and UNESCO have promoted remedial counseling and tutoring programs.
In line with its plans of trade wars that become real wars which will lead to world war, they have deregulated the labor force, limiting the right to unionize, raising the retirement age, privatizing pension funds, and above all eliminating job stability and permanence.
"How can the teachers of CNTE (teachers' union) ask that universal evaluation be applied without it affecting their jobs? If they don't approve it, they must be removed. It's for the good of our children!" repeat the television announcers over and over.
We need to organize in the Party to overthrow the power of the capitalists. The "left," the pro-capitalist politicians, who call themselves progressives, call on us to support politicians like Lula, the late Hugo Chavez, or Obrador. Worldwide, they present the BRICS as an alternative to US imperialism.
The working class doesn't need other exploiters. The "left" calls on us to reform capitalism into a "loving republic," in which the capitalists continue using and abusing our labor power. Taking the world in our hands means to overthrow every capitalist in the world. For that we need a disciplined organization with a firm goal. Join us!

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