< Red Flag Article Nine
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International Communist Workers Party

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Red Flag Can be a Catalyst


We responded to the Trayvon Martin verdict by distributing Red Flag along with a leaflet that described how communism will destroy racism to protestors. Altogether we distributed over a thousand Red Flags.
This victory did not come without obstacles. There were some nationalists and a few anti-communists verbal objections. As always, we pushed forward and were able to accomplish a small victory. Even though we faced a few dozen who opposed us, we had over 1,000 receiving the newspaper.
Those who took the paper are the more politically conscious individuals. And, as Lenin put it, we must use our newspaper to sway over the sympathetic to the pure, mathematic logic of communism.
As the inter-imperialist rivalry between China and the U.S. intensifies, so does the conflict between proletarians and capitalists; this is awakening the masses. This has been a slow process that seems to be speeding up fast.
To clarify, the Martin-Zimmerman verdict was not a catalyst. A catalyst is something that lowers the energy required to activate something. The "something" we are trying to activate is communist revolution. That makes Red Flag the catalyst and the energy to bring us closer to that goal. And as we get closer to that goal, the capitalistimperialist bosses can smell it.
Now the conflict, the contradiction between the capitalist-imperialist class and the working class, which they were putting on the backburner while the U.S. bosses struggled with China, is becoming increasingly volatile. The capitalist-imperialist bosses know that they cannot win a war with radicalized laborers and soldiers. Thus, they must make this secondary contradiction primary, and concentrate on prolonging armed conflict with China until they placate the masses. It is our responsibility to do our part in sharpening this contradiction. This can be done by educating and mobilizing the workers and soldiers of the world. In addition, we must not only make our newspaper a mass communist international paper and get it into the hands of millions, but also position ourselves in strategic places like the military and industry and mobilize ourselves, workers and soldiers; the masses for communism. In this way the worker-capitalist contradiction will become a permanent feature until it is resolved with communist revolution.

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