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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Without Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, the main response to the coming US presidential election would be boredom, disgust and rejection of the candidates and the capitalist election process.
This endangers capitalism. Discontented workers and youth can be won to see the communist alternative to capitalism. Thus, the bosses put these masses in motion to win them to the idea that voting and reforming capitalism is the way to improve their lives. However, once they are in motion, the opportunities for us to win them to communism are even greater.
That is what those 27,000 people, who came out in Los Angeles to support Bernie Sanders, and thousands more elsewhere, represented. Many are attracted because he calls himself an “Independent” and a “Socialist.” Many because they hate, as Sanders claims to, that the top 10% has more than the other 90% combined. His solution is tax the rich more, pushing the illusion that these taxes will benefit the poor. In reality, these taxes will be used to help the bosses compete better economically and fund their wars.
Many follow Sanders because they are furious at the lack of decent health care, attacks on immigrant workers, and the racist criminal justice system and police murders of black and latino/a people.
But Sanders supported Clinton’s military intervention in Kosovo in 1999. When anti-war protesters occupied his office, he had them arrested. He voted against a 2001 resolution opposing war on Afghanistan. He voted to fund the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. In 2003 he voted for Bush’s “War Against Terrorism.” He supports the racist Israeli government.
His role in this election is to deliver to the US bosses the social sectors – mainly multi-racial youth– who are fed up with capitalism’s attacks and who are looking for radical alternatives. He has promised to support and to turn over his populist base and fund raising to whichever Democratic Party politician gets nominated.
One of his targets is the Black Lives Matter movement. After some of their activists demanded that Sanders address racist police murders issue, he had a one speak at the LA event and made her a leader of his campaign. This should come as no surprise: Black Lives Matter and Sanders are both funded by capitalist billionaire George Soros.
We can’t and shouldn’t ignore these movements. The thousands that both Black Lives Matter and Sanders have put into motion present us with great opportunities to massively distribute our literature and win many to ICWP and the fight for communism.
We must, however, expose both movements as pro-capitalist-imperialist. Neither questions, much less challenges, the fact that the capitalist 1% get their wealth mainly by exploiting the rest of the 99%, paying us a fraction of the value we produce and keeping the rest. Exploitation and racism are the very foundation of capitalism. They can only end when capitalism is ended with revolution and the working class builds a society without money, where we work to produce only to meet our needs, and not to make anyone rich.
The capitalist election process is the opposite of mobilizing the masses for communism. Masses of workers, organized in ICWP, will collectively confront obstacles to building a communist society, and overcome them together. Everyone will be encouraged to actively participate in planning, producing and distributing the fruits of our labor according to need.
Everyone will be encouraged to participate in making all decisions concerning the development of the communist productive and social relations that will be the lifeblood of our communist society. There will be no need for politicians of any kind. Elections promote illusions, lies and passivity. The bosses try to fool us into thinking that their politicians “who think and speak for us” can solve our problems.
Communism will have no elections. Those most dedicated to serve the working class and fight for communism will take leadership. Their main responsibility will be to create more communists and leaders. The more leaders the better. Hundreds and eventually billions – organized in neighborhoods, workplaces and area collectives --will be won to help lead and administer our communist world.
Just as the bosses are using Sanders to try to hook workers and youth into believing in capitalist reform and elections, they are using open racist Donald Trump to try to scare workers into looking to the Democrats as the “lesser evil.”
Racist Trump is a dangerous buffoon. Whipping up racism against immigrants, he calls for mass deportations, trying to activate his racist base.
One activist said that every time Trump speaks, more pro-immigrant activists sign up to help elect Democratic Party candidates. This despite Obama’s record deportations and broken promises.
ICWP calls on all workers and youth who are angry about the racism and inequality of capitalism to join the fight for communism. Help distribute and write for Red Flag and contribute money so that Red Flag and other literature reach workers all over the world. The working class mobilized for communism will sweep capitalism and all its politicians into the dustbin of history