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International Communist Workers Party | |
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Since April 2015, thousands of people have taken to the streets of Guatemala to protest against the corruption in the government of Otto Pérez Molina discovered by the United Nations International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). Although this has been a massive mobilization we must have a materialist analysis of it. This is the only way to understand the essence of mass movements and use it to advance the fight for communism.
The CICIG discovered a smuggling network in the customs sector as well as tax evasion. The now ex-President Otto Pérez Molina was linked to this network, as well as the ex-Vice President Roxanna Baldetti, other senior government officials, and more than a thousand private companies which benefited from this tax evasion. The profits are in the millions of dollars. Bribery of government officials is what led the population to demand the resignation of the President and Vice President.
The CICIG is a commission whose research the United States uses to overthrow governments that do not respond to their interests or where they need to establish a greater presence, as they have done in Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela. The USA has a special interest in Central America due to the strong presence of China in Nicaragua and China’s industrial incursions in countries like Honduras, Costa Rica, and Guatemala itself.
The Chinese company “Communication Services and Systems” will invest at least $500,000 in Guatemala in a factory to assemble electric cars at low cost. In the context of economic and military disputes worldwide against the Chinese bosses, the US is fighting for every square inch of the region’s territory.
That is why the US ambassador never stopped pressuring Otto Pérez Molina to resign. This also explains why many people contend that the US was a major factor behind his resignation and jailing.
Corruption is a despicable act worthy of the kind of evil that is found in the USA. But mostly state corruption is driven by the capitalists to increase their profits and manage the markets. Corruption will exist as long as money exists and we can only eliminate money by destroying capitalism with a communist revolution.
The mass mobilizations show that the masses are rising up and showing their anger when they are indignant. However, these mobilizations were not against capitalism, much less for communism. These mobilizations against corruption, and with a nationalist character, will not achieve any real change. The elections were carried out last weekend, and they will have to go to a run off to elect the next people who will respond to the same capitalists who bribed their predecessors.
Through Red Flag ICWP must fight against reformist and nationalist ideas. We must mobilize the masses for the fight for communism. By themselves, the mass actions are not opportunities for the working class, but when we raise our communist ideas in them and about them, the working class can advance toward communism.
We will be better able to take advantage of the opportunity if we have a base among workers, farmworkers and students. The way to make the movements an opportunity for the working class is to work with workers, farmworkers and students anywhere in the world where we are and mobilize them for communism. We shouldn’t just wait to ride the crest of a wave.
There is talk about a “Central American Spring” because of the mass demonstrations in Honduras and the failed attempt of the right in El Salvador. Each country has a particularity. We must make a materialist analysis of how to build a Communist Spring.