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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The main contradiction in the world – that which
has the greatest impact on the world’s important events - is the major
imperialist powers’ fight for world domination.
Since capitalism matured into global imperialism at the end of the 19th century, the world has been completely carved up by these butchers. Satisfying the needs of newcomers to the table – demanding access to more natural resources, cheap labor and markets – meant re-dividing the world. This could only be done through war: world war.
World Wars I and II are testaments to this. Now, WWIII looms closer on the horizon as rising and re-emerging imperialist powers (China, Russia, Germany, Japan, India), and regional capitalist powers (Iran, Brazil, Turkey) demand a re-division of the world that emerged after WWII.
This is a direct assault on US imperialism which has dominated that post-WWII world. Hounded by these rivals, US rulers are more and more unable to impose their will through bribery, persuasion, threats or coercion. They have therefore become the world’s most destabilizing force, leaving a trail of destruction, chaos and wars as they lurch toward WWIII to defend their empire.
This strategic long term concern is what dictates their actions in Iraq, Syria, and the Ukraine, where their rivalry is presently sharpest. Here we deal with the Iraq-Syria situation leaving the Ukraine for a later article.
US rulers must
stop China’s energy imports
A 2013 article in Parameters, a quarterly publication of the US War College, states: “An overarching national security objective of the United States must be crystal clear: to counterbalance and contain a rising China.”
This can best be done, the article argues, by threatening China’s access to the energy it needs to fuel its rapidly growing economy and military. It explains that China’s “Achilles heel” is its “overwhelming dependence” on Persian Gulf energy imports, which must pass through five strategic straits: Bab el Mandab, Hormuz, Malacca, Sunda and Lambok.
It claims these imports can easily be stopped because US rulers can persuade their Persian Gulf allies to stop their energy exports to China. Besides, the US can stop tankers carrying energy from Africa to China by severing China’s “jugular vein”: blockading the above-mentioned five critical straits and the sea lanes linking them, which are controlled by the US Navy.
The “pivot to Asia” is to guarantee US Naval supremacy in those waters, while building economic, political and military alliances to eventually face China militarily.
But “pivoting” is
futile unless Iran stops its energy exports to China
To successfully starve China of its energy needs, the article says the US must also “prevent China from obtaining Persian Gulf oil and gas via alternative land-based pipelines.”
This means convincing Iran “through persuasion or coercion, to suspend energy exports to China.” But, because a nuclear-armed Iran could not be compelled to suspend energy exports to China, “the current path of coercion involving crippling sanctions, covert operations including subversion and targeted killings, and public threats of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities, has been pursued so aggressively.”
Unwittingly or perhaps speaking frankly to some US ruling circles, the article confirms what many believe: the Iran nuclear question is just the excuse used by the US to force Iran to stop exporting energy to China, especially in a US-China war.
The article hints that if Iran would accede to the US demands, it could be allowed to go nuclear. It then argues that a nuclear armed Iran wouldn’t pose an existential threat to Israel or the US, would not use the bomb to intimidate its neighbors, would not trigger a nuclear arms race in the region and would not transfer these weapons to terrorist groups. In short Iran “could be deterred just as other nuclear-armed adversaries are deterred—by the threat of mutual destruction.”
Stratfor: Iran “is
nearly impossible to invade and impossible for a foreign occupier to hold.”
(“The Geopolitics of the US,” May 28, 2012)
Stratfor, a very influential rulers’ think tank, supports the pivoting to Asia. The US War College’s article echoes Stratfor’s assessment stating, “The harsh reality is that attacking Iran is not a viable option.” It concludes that “the only realistic alternative is to persuade Iran to cooperate with the United States.”
However, this has complicated US rulers’ Middle East exit and pivot to Asia Pacific. Some rulers want to use the Iran nuclear issue as an excuse to invade Iran and Syria to re-conquer the Middle East. They see this as critical to defeat China and Russia. Others don’t want to fight China or Russia there but in Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe.
The ISIS threat is mainly about “cooperation or invasion.” The “re-conquer the Middle East” gang wants to exploit it as an opportunity to escalate US military intervention in Iraq, and now Syria, into a full scale invasion of Syria and Iran. The “pivot to Asia” gang sees it as the means to try to topple Assad – without putting boots on the ground – to pressure Iran to cooperate.
In either case, the timing of WWIII may be accelerated or delayed, but its inevitability remains unchanged.
Communism will end
capitalism’s perpetual wars
The age of imperialism also ushered in the era of social revolutions. The Russian Revolution triumphed during WWI and the Chinese Revolution four years after WWII.
Although led by communists, they fought for socialism: state capitalism led by communists. Eventually, the communists became capitalist exploiters.
Learning from our predecessors’ advances and mistakes, we are organizing as one army – under the banners of the International Communist Workers’ Party – to fight directly for communism.
Masses of workers are in motion worldwide. Led by industrial workers and soldiers and our guiding principle “Mobilizing the Masses for Communism,” they will become a powerful material force to end the rule of capital and build worldwide communism in the 21st century. Our industrial worker comrades in El Salvador and South Africa are turning this potential into the actual. We need to replicate, expand and deepen these breakthroughs everywhere!