Bosses Justify Racist Police Murder with Divide-and-Rule Ideas:
Communist Society Will Value All Workers' Lives
LOS ANGELES, September
3—"Don't shoot me! I'm going to college!" was, according to the bosses'
radio, what students chanted when they walked out of Augustus Hawkins High
School last week in protest of the racist police murders of Michael Brown,
Ezell Ford and Omar Abrego. Does that mean that it
was OK to shoot Ezell Ford, who wasn't going to college, or to beat truck
driver Omar Abrego to death?
Racist capitalism in crisis hits black & Latino
workers hardest
Capitalism worldwide is in
crisis, and its essentially racist nature means that black and Latino workers
have been hit hardest. Black workers, historically oppressed since the
institutionalization of slavery in the US, continue to experience higher rates
of poverty, lower wages, higher unemployment. The
black-white income gap is 40% greater than it was in 1967. The US now has a
greater wealth gap by race than South Africa did under apartheid. (NYTimes,
8/30/2014) Ferguson, Missouri, is no different from any other
neighborhood—or ghetto—in this regard. Capitalism is racist to the

Red youth
bring communist
ideas and Red Flag to
against racist
police murder
US rulers fear black workers
Since the late 1970s, the
rulers, terrified by the 1960s urban rebellions against racism and even more by
the rebellions of black soldiers in Vietnam, have pursued a strategy of mass
incarceration of black workers. Nearly 70% of middle-aged black men who never
graduated from high school have been imprisoned; black men in their 20s without
a high school diploma are more likely to be incarcerated today than employed.
(NYTimes, 8/30/2014) Black
youth are systematically pushed out of school, faced with economic pressures
and a racist educational system.
This has only gotten worse
since 9/11, when the federal government began paying for body armor,
mine-resistant trucks, night-vision goggles and other military gear for local
police forces. Even school police are now militarized. Parents in Compton,
California, recently protested the school board's decision to arm school cops with
semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifles, as have LA Unified, San Diego Unified and
Fontana Unified in Southern California.
At the same time, recent Supreme Court decisions have emphasized what
black folks have always known: killer cops have a free pass. (NYTimes 8/26/2014)
Bosses divide & rule working class
But the bosses have a
problem: they want to win black and latino/a youth to support this murderous
racist system, especially as interimperialist rivalry
sharpens and world war looms. So they encourage people to register and vote for
black politicians who will supposedly come up with less racist policies,
although looking at Obama should teach us that changing the skin color of the
politician doesn't change the capitalist political agenda. They organize
protests that call for reforms like more video cameras on cops, as if that will
make them hold back or persuade a racist injustice system to lock them up the
next time they murder a black youth.
And they push a blame-the-victim
ideology: "If you don't succeed, it's your own fault! Look at Obama!" A
particularly vicious form this takes is "Don't shoot me! I'm going to college!"
Does this mean that black youth who don't go to college are worthless thugs who
deserve to be shot in the back? This anti-working class idea ignores the
millions of black workers who go to work every day, who drive buses, make
airplanes, mop floors, flip burgers, just trying to make ends meet and feed the
children who chant, "Don't shoot me, I'm going to college!"
Build working-class unity to fight for communism
We must not fall victim to
capitalist ideology which tells black and latino/a youth to reject the working
class and their working-class parents, that college is the way out, and that
they should strive for the illusion of capitalist success. We must fight
against the racism that the bosses use to divide our class. We must build a movement which can mobilize the masses for communism. The
lives of all workers are important, regardless of color. This will only be realized in a
communist society where the division between mental and manual labor has been
abolished along with class rule, and we can work together to produce what we
need, without cops or bosses or money.