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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“The Pope’s visit won’t change anything. It was just words. He praised King and Kennedy. King did his part, Kennedy did his part, but we’re still in the same situation, we’re still here suffering. To make real change we need communism,” said a new Californian comrade.
This is in sharp contrast with the capitalist media orgy that greeted Pope Francis’ visit to the US and Cuba.
The bosses’ press worked overtime selling the Pope’s version of reform and charity as the way forward for a just world. The Pope was welcomed in Congress, the White House, etc. with his calls for immigration reform, climate reform, and an end to the death penalty. These are all pushed and supported by the top US imperialists and the Democratic Party politicians, like Obama and Clinton.
The dominant wing of US imperialism wants immigration reform to better exploit economically and in their wars, the 11 million undocumented workers here, and their 4 million US-born children. They are using the Pope’s message to try to defeat their rival capitalists, mainly Tea Party Republicans.
Pope Francis is being praised for helping to reconcile the US and Cuba. But this has nothing to do with peace. It is part of preparation for war.
It is part of US imperialism’s strategy to get Cuba back into its orbit because of Cuba’s strategic location at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico. A Cuba with friendly Russian or Chinese military installations, in case of war, could blockade all US exports and imports using these sea lanes.
The Pope’s access to the centers of power of US imperialism points to a deal made between US imperialism and the Church.
“This system can’t keep going like this forever,” said a new comrade. That’s what the world’s bosses fear most: that masses of workers will rebel against their rotting capitalist system and opt for revolution and a communist world with no bosses, borders, or racist exploitation. So the rulers tried to make the Pope’s entreaties to reform capitalism sound new and bold.
As more and more workers see, capitalism can’t be reformed to meet our needs. Despite the Pope’s words about caring for the poor, he will never put the blame for mass poverty, the refugee crisis, and global warming where it belongs: on capitalism-imperialism and its competition for profits. He will never support communist revolution to overthrow the profit system.
Yet communism is the only way to build the world of sharing and collectivity to meet the needs of the masses worldwide. Only the working class mobilized for communism can destroy capitalism and build communism.
No saint, pope or capitalist politician will mobilize for communism. The bosses want to win us to religious idealism and to look to these figures to try to keep us from mobilizing for the communist world we need.
Whether he lives in a small apartment or a luxurious one at the Vatican, the Catholic Church is one of the richest organizations with vast holdings worldwide. The Pope heads his own city built on the exploitation of the workers of the world.
We’re supposed to be grateful to him because he came and ate a meal with the poor. The Catholic Church spent $220 billion on their huge Cathedral in downtown Los Angeles surrounded by thousands of homeless sleeping on the streets.
The history and present actions of the Catholic Church belie the Pope’s message of caring for the poor, which is geared to win to reformism masses of workers who hate capitalist oppression.
The Church’s bloody history of oppression started when it embraced slavery when made the official church of the Roman Empire. It includes the slaughter and enslavement of indigenous peoples in the Americas. While in the US, the Pope canonized Junípero Serra, torturer and murderer of Native Americans.
Before and during WWII, the Catholic Church refused to criticize Hitler as his war machine murdered 6 million Jews, 28 million Russians and millions more.
As our new comrade shows, masses of workers yearn for a world free of poverty, racism and greed. They can see that the only way to eliminate poverty, deportations, and mass incarceration is with communist revolution.
Millions want to support our class brothers and sisters the world over. Building an international party that unites us against the capitalist oppressors and mobilizes to meet all workers’ needs is the way forward.