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International Communist Workers Party | |
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As the crisis in Syria shows and Obama and Putin’s UN speeches confirmed, the dog fight among the world’s capitalists-imperialists is sharpening. Capitalism-imperialism can only offer the working class more misery, chaos, economic crisis and wider wars, including world war.
These capitalist evils, however, have put millions of our brothers and sisters in motion worldwide. Many question capitalism, which creates the opportunity to win masses of workers, students and soldiers to fight for communism.
Only communism can fulfill the masses’ aspirations for a world without wars. There can be no peace for our class under capitalism. It daily wages a genocidal war against our class, murdering tens of thousands through starvation, curable diseases, and racist terror.
Only by destroying capitalism’s wage slavery and production for profits can we eliminate the competition for profits that inevitably leads to war. The material basis of capitalism created the ideologies of racism, sexism, nationalism and anti-communism to divide us and keep us enslaved.
Obama and Putin promised more war in their speeches: Obama against the Islamic State (ISIS) and the Syrian president Al Assad; Putin against ISIS to support Assad.
Obama has a coalition that includes 62 other countries. Putin’s coalition consists of Syria, Iran, Iraq and China. They are all pursuing their own geopolitical interests, not the well-being of Syrian workers or workers anywhere.
The Syrian carnage is mainly a proxy war between the US on the one hand and China and Russia on the other for world supremacy. The US is trying unsuccessfully to hold on to the dominant position it has occupied since 1945.
The Middle East is the main point of contention. It was the corner stone of the US empire for decades. US imperial decline has been accompanied by its loss of influence in this oil-rich region.
The dominant US imperialist wing doesn’t want to fight WWIII in this region. They prefer to face China in Asia Pacific and Russia in the Black Sea region and Eastern Europe. Other US rulers who want to regain US worldwide influence by retaking the Middle East want Obama to commit US troops to Syria.
The Russian rulers’ main concern is to guarantee that no natural gas – from Iran, Iraq or Qatar – flows to Europe without their consent. If it did, this would break Russia’s chokehold on Europe’s energy supply, which now limits the Europeans’ ability to side with the US on geopolitical issues and to wage war as their allies.
The Chinese imperialists’ interest is to have Iran’s gas and oil flow to China, especially in the event of war with the US. This energy must by-pass the Strait of Malacca and other Pacific sea lanes controlled by the US Navy. Oil and gas pipelines from Iran, Iraq and Central Asia would securely deliver this energy by land.
ISIS is a much bigger threat to China’s Xinjiang province and Russia’s underbelly, Central Asian nations, than to the US.
Xinjiang, a vast territory of mainly deserts and mountains, is strategic to China. All the energy pipelines coming from Russia and Central Asia converge here.
Xinjiang has five million restive Uyghurs, a predominately Muslim ethnic group that seeks independence from China. The East Turkestan Movement, waging armed struggle for Xinjiang independence, was organized with CIA participation in 1997. It is now supported by both Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Besides this threat, China, like Russia, also faces the threat of Islamic militancy in the five Central Asian former Soviet Republics. It is a huge area with a population of 70 million people, of who over 80% are Muslim, susceptible to ISIS’ influence. Dozens of them have joined the ISIS in Syria and Iraq, along with thousands from Russia.
China’s energy pipelines to bypass Malacca must pass through this area. Russia fears instability and chaos in its backyard and the possible reigniting of wars in Chechnya and Dagestan where it waged a long genocidal war against Islamic fundamentalist groups. Thus, Putin calls his intervention in Syria a preemptive strike against terrorism.
Since the failure of the old communist movement has left a vacuum, many put in motion by the imperialists’ atrocities have turned to Islamic fundamentalism.
But no religion can meet the aspirations of the oppressed masses of workers. With patience and persistence they can be won to fight for communism.
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