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International Communist Workers Party

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Communist Dialectics


Capitalists Murder Students in Guerrero in Capitalist Fight over Profits


MEXICO--In mid-September, the Mexican government announced with great fanfare the opening of the highway from Mexico to Tuxpan, a port in the Gulf of Mexico.  They said that the travel time would be reduced from 6 to 3 hours.

ICWP in Mexico City May Day 2013
Also announced on radio and television was the modernization on the Pacific coast of the ports of Manzanillo, moving 3000 containers a day, and Lázaro Cárdenas, which is one of the 20 most important ports in the world and the main one in all of Latin America. Half the population of Mexico lives within a radius of 300 kilometers (186 miles) from this port.
The city of Lázaro Cárdenas accounts for half the population of the whole coast of Michoacán. It connects through a multimodal transportation network to a set of states that generate 60% of the national GDP. It is also one of the most important commercial points that link the east coast of the US with Asia, mainly through the railroad network controlled by Kansas City Southern, of Mexico, linking with the worldwide corridor known as Singapore-Kansas City. Thanks to the ongoing expansion they will achieve the linkage of 44 countries with those with which Mexico has free trade agreements and will combine with the Transpacific Partnership Agreement and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Arcelor Mittal, the largest and most important iron ore company in the world, has one of its main plants in the port of Lázaro Cárdenas. It is also the company that consumes the most gas and energy in the whole country. Its plant in Michoacán is one of the biggest in the world and the biggest in Mexico. Recently it was linked commercially to organized crime (the Templars).
BMW is starting its assembly plant in San Luis Potosí and in Guanajuato the US and Japanese auto makers are expanding their operations. Mexico is already bragging that it is the No. 1 exporter to the US. In Puebla, VW is opening its Audi plant; and a big gas pipeline is being developed between Tlaxcala and Morelos, which will be home to a Nissan plant.
In moving toward a confrontation with China, the US-Europe-Japan bloc is industrializing Mexico, and advancing the subjugation of the working class. The labor law reform pushed by the US and passed in 2012 is driving the wages and conditions of Mexican workers, who have a minimum wage even lower than China, even lower.
The violence unleashed between drug gangs,  and the supposed fight of the state against the drug gangs, in reality terrorizes the working class, killing Central American migrants, supposed delinquents (in Tlatlaya, State of Mexico), students (in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero). Making us live in fear is necessary for their domination. We workers need to build our organization, ICWP, to get rid of wage slavery.
The revisionists or followers of the old socialist movement, even those who advocate the "armed path" pursue the goal of a "democratic republic" which is "anti-imperialist." They lament the theft that "savage capitalism" carries out against the farmworkers as it industrializes, but they do not believe that wage slavery needs to be abolished now! We in ICWP see the growth of the working class and the proletarianization of the farmworkers as inevitable and as an opportunity to fight for the emancipation of humanity. Join us!

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