The BART strike is over, if the workers vote
this Friday to accept the contract. Regardless of
the outcome, however, these workers' simmering
anger will continue to boil and eventually explode
in rebellious strikes.
US rulers are plotting to avoid this scenario.
They fear industrial workers' strikes because they
cut into their profits, and in transit, they create
chaos, affecting the lives of millions.
But what they fear the most is these strikes' potential
of becoming political strikes against capitalism.
They know that with communist
leadership these strikes can put forward the vision
of communism, a system based on human needs,
not money. This could inspire millions of workers,
students and soldiers to fight for a better
Trade unionism's role is to prevent our class
from reaching this potential. The BART strike,
however, exposed the union officials' inability to
control their restless members who forced them
to call strikes twice this year, despite a no-strike
clause in their contract.
Even if these traitors may impose the negotiated
contract, their treachery is blatant. The rulers
know they can't count on them to do their dirty
work forever.
Now, forced to take things into their own
hands, the California rulers are exposing their
state apparatus as an arm of the US capitalists to
oppress workers. They plan to pass laws to ban
strikes by Bay Area and Los Angeles transit
State Democratic Senator Mark DeSaulnier,
chairman of the Senate Transportation and Housing
Committee, said in July that he was looking
into a state law to ban transit strikes, as Oregon
and New York have done. (San Jose Mercury
News, 10/20/13).
The Republican leaders of the Senate and the
Assembly in a joint press release concerning the
BART strike said, "We will soon announce a new
proposal to ban transit strikes in California. Local
residents should not have to suffer through another
public transportation strike again." (10/22/13)
The US bosses openly declare war on us
Their system's insatiable appetite for maximum
profits forces the bosses to lower our living
standards. The bosses, their union officials and
every pillar of capitalist society act as if life were
In Alameda County, where BART is headquartered,
murder is the leading cause of youth death!
Yet, the politicians, the media, and the Unions are
completely indifferent to this. Racist mass murder
is the new norm of a capitalist system in crisis,
desperately needing fascism and war to keep
Such extreme racism cheapens the lives of all
workers. In the US, while 19,000 are murdered
every year in communities, a record 56,000 are
killed at work. Under capitalism life is cheap. It's
built into the way the system operates.
Life is cheap because capitalists make their
profits off our labor power. None of us has a job
unless it profits some capitalist. As the press revealed
when BART was shut down this summer,
the wage work of BART workers generates about
$73 million a day, or $1.2 billion a month.
That's not just money. It's capital. It's social
power, which enables them to control everything
in capitalist society— the politicians, the
media, etc. But that wealth or social power
also has to beat back the social power of
other capitalists.
Because of this competition, the capitalists
always need more and more wealth.
They get it by cutting costs: our wages, benefits,
and safety. Under capitalism, life is
cheap. Safety is expensive and profits are
When no longer able to beat their competitors
by "peaceful" means, they resort to
war. Capitalist competition inevitably leads
to local, regional and world wars: mass
murder of the international working class.
We need a system where life is sacred
and profits are abolished
If you agree with this, you are already
thinking like a communist. You should start
reading or distributing Red Flag, the newspaper
of the International Communist Workers' Party,
and seriously consider joining us to organize a
communist revolution to end capitalism, its
racism, sexism, profits, competition and wars.
We don't fight for the socialism of Russia or
China which tried to modify profits by making
them public or State owned. We are fighting for
a communist system without money or wages,
where our work will only produce socially useful
things – a society where nothing is bought or
sold, where communist cooperation and collectivity
will be our guiding principles, not capitalism's
individualism and its dog-eat-dog
Let's answer the bosses' war on us with class
war for communism
Next year, LA transit workers will be facing
this samevcapitalist beast with its media, politicians,
courts, cops and treacherous union officials.
Let's declare class war on the bosses,
organizing a political strike against capitalism
and for communism. Let's forge our class into
the army necessary to vanquish the bosses forever,
and build a communist world where our humanity
will be society's main concern.
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