National Healthcare was proposed in the US
with many promises and hopes that health care
would be available to all and that "economies of
scale" would make it more affordable and effective.
However, the actual "Affordable Care Act" is
anything but. This law ensures that the bosses, including
the insurance industry, profit at the expense
of the working class. Obamacare shifts
payment for healthcare even more from corporations'
profits to workers, increasing workers'
taxes to pay for health care.
Workers with employer-sponsored group coverage
will take even bigger hits than they have already,
with increased co-payments and
deductibles. The coming tax on these so-called
"Cadillac" plans gives the bosses another excuse
to limit coverage and raise workers' costs.
Immigrants who do not have a green card are
completely excluded from Obamacare.
The hype is that higher-paid workers with
health insurance will pay more to cover the costs
of lower-paid workers who have no health insurance,
except immigrants without a green card.
But lower-paid workers will get minimal coverage
and the bosses' profits are not touched.
Cuts in MediCal and Medicare mean even
worse health care. The bosses want a health
care system to patch up workers and soldiers
and get them back to work or the battlefield.
Healthcare and profits don't mix!
Capitalism is not capable of or interested
in providing the health care all workers
need. In the name of "equality," the bosses
are forcing all workers to have minimal,
dangerous health care. The workers suffer
cuts and the capitalists protect their profits.
Any taxes the bosses pay will be for war,
not workers' health care.
Many workers' struggles aim to stop increases
in the cost of health benefits. But no matter
how militant, these struggles will not stop the
attacks on workers' health care.
Many who are seeing that the ACA is an attack
are calling for "Single-Payer National Health
Care" that eliminates the insurance companies'
profits. They point to Canada as a model. While
most workers in Canada get a similar level of
care, it doesn't meet their needs. Many crucial
tests and treatments are denied because they are
expensive—with deadly results.
Whether single payer or private insurance, it's
still capitalist health care. In El Salvador, if you
don't get your medicine on the first day of the
month, by the second day there often isn't any
left. In every country with national health care,
the rich buy better care.
Only communism can meet workers' health
We need preventive care on a mass scale and
the best possible treatment when it's needed.
Prevention can only come with eliminating the
profit system with its constant deadly stress of
capitalist exploitation. It means eliminating
deadly pollution in food and in all production to
guarantee a safe, healthy environment. Workers
will reorganize all aspects of life to meet our
needs, like eliminating freeways clogged with
cars spewing pollutants. Collective physical activity
will be a regular part of life. People will be
healthier in a society where life is organized collectively
based on communist relations, where we
are all responsible for each other's well-being.
There won't be racist differences in workers'
health care. Workers will mobilize to guarantee that
no resource is spared to make every advance in science
and technology available to everyone, and
masses will learn how to use and evaluate them.
Medicine and all science will be the property
of the masses, not an elite few.
Teaching and learning about our bodies will be
a mass undertaking for everyone from childhood
until they die. That way we can make tremendous
progress quickly in identifying, treating and curing
diseases. The barefoot doctor movement in
China trained tens of thousands of rural workers
to be doctors. In communism, we will take that
much further. Millions will learn to treat tens of
millions more. Everyone who works with sick
people will learn science, treat patients, and also
give them physical care, ending the division between
mental and manual labor. Patients will be
cared for collectively by teams of health workers;
their families will be included.
Masses of workers are becoming disillusioned
with Obamacare and want decent healthcare for
all. ICWP and Red Flag need to show our
friends, families and co-workers that no capitalist
reform, whether single-payer or reformed ACA,
will solve the problem, but communist revolution
will. We ask readers to write about capitalist and
communist health care and to spread Red Flag
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