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International Communist Workers Party | |
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From a Speech Given at a Los Angeles ICWP Fundraising Dinner
On May Day 2016, we will conduct our own march for a communist International Workers’ Day.
Getting communist ideas to workers is urgent. Not only are capitalists preparing for World War III, but they are destroying our health and our earth. Thousands are dying daily from the capitalist-created migrant crisis, hunger, racism, super-exploitation and war.
Allowing the working class to be misled by reformism would be irresponsible. All across the world workers are open to communist ideas. We ask you to participate in planning the May Day march.
Many have already concluded that capitalism does not work. Building for May Day is a good way to talk to workers about communism. May Day commemorates a massive strike in the US that fought for the 8-hour work day but also advocated the “abolition of the wage system.” Our RED May Day continues the struggle to abolish the wage system with communist revolution.
For this we need a mass revolutionary International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP). We fight for a world where we no longer work for money. Instead we will work according to our ability, commitment and love for each other. We will produce abundance to share, not to be hoarded by a few or go to waste.
Mistakes were made by communists in the past. Capitalists try to convince us that their failure was due to innate greed, selfishness and competition. However, workers disprove this daily, as Red Flag has shown with stories about thousands in Europe who aid migrants at risk and without pay. This demonstrates that communism is the kind of society that will allow our humanity to flourish. The society most of us long for.
Capitalism propagates greed, selfishness and competition but more and more workers worldwide are learning that we need each other for survival. We don’t need the bosses and their ideas.
Our plans for May Day 2016 reminded me of growing up in McFarland, a poor agricultural town next to Delano where the United Farm Workers organized. A movie came out last year about Cesar Chavez and this year a movie about my home town. Both were distortions and flat-out lies.
While I was growing up my parents were farmworkers. I participated in many rallies and protests, but one of my favorite memories was when we marched in downtown Delano to celebrate May Day. I was around ten years old.
I listened attentively to speeches and got it in my head that revolution was right around the corner. I could not imagine how everyone would not simply join the struggle to create this better society as soon as they heard about it. Then as I continued my schooling and watched a lot of TV I got why people were not flocking to our communist movement. It was because of capitalism’s daily anti-communist propaganda.
It is OUR job to dispel anti-communist lies. May Day is OUR day. The US rulers have done everything in their power to erase the history of May Day. Let us make May Day 2016 count in the history of the working class! We need your help. Come to our January planning meeting to get informed and involved!