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International Communist Workers Party | |
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SEATTLE, WA — “Every day the news says we should trust the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and their smart doctors, and that people are succumbing to irrational fears,” mused a Boeing reader. “The truth is those guys have messed up big time. No wonder people are leery.”
Now that the capitalist media has found the Ebola epidemic, they are busy pushing a racist, pro-boss line. To read the newspapers, you would think the main contradiction is between science —as represented by the Western medical establishment—and ignorant workers’ fears, inflamed by politicians.
Some articles say outright the problem is human (read workers’, especially poor African workers’) behavior. Forget about the preventable epidemic caused by imperialist impoverishment.
“I think it goes beyond just messing up. I think the capitalist medical establishment has blinders on,” answered a comrade. “Take my doctor for instance. We were discussing how the Chinese revolutionaries eliminated schistosomiasis and other plagues on the working class. I asked him if he had heard of the barefoot doctor program.”
“ ‘Yes, I have,’ my doctor assured me, ‘but you can do things in a totalitarian system that you can’t if you have to take everybody’s opinion into account. You can just issue a decree and everybody has to follow.’”
“ Nothing could be further from the truth,” I answered. “Tens of millions mobilized to eliminate epidemics that had plagued humanity since antiquity. A million Chinese became barefoot doctors, bringing healthcare and medical knowledge far and wide.
“And they helped train tens of millions to deliver varied healthcare services. The masses were the force behind this reinvention of healthcare. The political battle between relying on a few experts or the masses raged for over a decade.
“My doctor was shocked. With all his schooling, he had never learned this basic truth. In communism everyone —particularly those involved with healthcare—would have a thorough knowledge of this massive case history.
“He wrote down the title of a book I recommended, Away With All Pests. My physician promised to discuss this book the next time I come in. Now I have to find some other excuse to visit the clinic!” concluded our comrade.
ICWP Growth Will Change the Debate
“That’s what worries me,” said the Boeing reader, by way of justifying his hesitancy to join the Party. “Good ideas like the barefoot doctor approach become popular because the old way is so terrible. But then people and institutions become ossified. They become as bad as before.”
“Look at what happened here,” argued our comrade, referring to the Red Flag editorial ‘Tens of Millions Opened the Door to Communist Healthcare.’ “Workers didn’t become ‘ossified.’ There was a war going on between capitalist and communist ideology.
“Communist healthcare was eventually defeated by the force of the socialist (i.e. capitalist) state. Millions fought for a communist vision, but were undermined by their illusions about socialism and Mao. Even so, they left this legacy for us. We have an obligation to build on that legacy.”
More capitalist epidemics will surely follow if we allow the bosses’ media and medical establishment to define the debate. Capitalist ideology says the masses, especially the African masses, are stupid. They have to be manipulated by the best and the brightest for their own good. Such is the nature of capitalist medicine.
Communist ideology relies on the wisdom and fortitude of the masses. Masses can be both red and expert. That is the nature of communist healthcare.
In general, capitalism says workers aren’t fit to rule. Hence, the bosses build structures and institutions that rely on experts—experts indoctrinated in capitalist schools for decades.
Mobilizing the masses for communism puts the future in the hands of our working-class brothers and sisters. The more workers like our Boeing friend join our Party, the more it will allow us to appeal to our better natures. The sooner we will be able to build the communist world that we need.
The photo above shows nurses in Oakland, CA, marching in solidarity with Dallas nurse Nina Pham and demanding that hospitals take action to protect nurses from Ebola. On Nov. 12 and 13, Kaiser nurses in Oakland and throughout Northern California struck for two days to demand better training and protective gear to care for Ebola patients. Their concern is justified because capitalist healthcare is driven by profit, not by concern for the safety of the working class. They need to join the fight for communism where workers’ health and safety will be society’s main concern.