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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“We are internationalist”
“The Homeland” (a letter in the last Red Flag) written by a farmworker
without a country touched my heart very deeply.
The farmworker in his writing depicts the life experiences
of many if not millions of us around
the world. I grew up in South Africa under apartheid
and we were made to believe that we have
a country, a nation to defend and die for. We
were made to be patriots as we were
growing up. This love of one’s country has, up
to this day, deep seated false roots of black and
africanist nationalism. As the farm worker
correctly points out, many have died in defense
of their fatherland which they shouldn’t have.
I am reminded of the soldiers who died in the
first inter-imperialist world war. The war was
between the imperialists for the division of the
spoils amongst them, which had nothing to do
with the soldiers. Again in the Second World
War millions of soldiers perished with nothing to
show. Others died in exile in direct combat because
of false and dangerous nationalist
dogma. This calls for us to fight tirelessly to reject
this poisonous nationalism.
We are internationalist: we know no country,
no nation, and no borders. We have no illusions,
that is why under the banner of our Party
ICWP we mobilize the masses for communism.
Only communist revolution will resolve the main
contradictions between the bosses and workers.
Currently, the bosses’ system is dominant,
putting pressure and making deals with the
bosses only suits them well and only serves to
perpetuate their rule. We must intensify our
fight using workers’ struggles as a powerful
motor force for change.
--An Internationalist Comrade
U.S. Still #1 Economy
Thank you for the clearly argued editorial in the last issue. I just want to take issue with one sentence. China is not the “leading economy in the world.” It is much more vulnerable than that. Although the US (the world’s biggest debtor nation) is threatened by the emergence of China (the world’s biggest creditor nation) the US is still the leading economy.
Forbes magazine surveyed the assets, market value, profit and sales of the top 2,000 global companies across 25 sectors of production from aerospace to utilities. US companies lead all sectors.
China, for example, builds and sells more automobiles than any other country in the world (surpassing the US) but it is GM and VW that get the biggest share of the profits from this market.
Although damaged by the massive economic crisis that erupted in 2008, US led global economic institutions like the World Bank and the IMF still carry worldwide influence, as does the US dollar.
Finally, as they saw in Libya, China does not yet have the military power to protect all its investments. By contrast, the US still militarily occupies several major economic powers, the Euro zone, Britain, Japan and South Korea.
It is this imbalance that accounts for the war mongering strategy of US imperialism in recent years.
--A Comrade
Toothache Didn’t Stop Communist!
At the communist school, we had two weeks of intense struggle, numerous meetings, sharing everything we had and overcoming obstacles created by capitalism. A very dedicated comrade, in spite of his acute pain caused by a decaying tooth, did not miss a single meeting. We decided to take the comrade to a dentist. After several dentists who refused to provide service we found the one who diagnosed the pain as caused by iodine deficiency. This is an easily preventable disease but capitalism has no solution for the masses of workers.
--A comrade
Ideology Can Be a Material Force
After the school, my outlook has totally changed. Because now I know how capitalism works, how it exploited the working class. And the study of dialectical materialism was a big part of explaining the contradictions in society. Because without the surplus labor that the bosses take from us, there will be no capitalism. But what keeps capitalism going is this – see, among the workers there are similarities and differences. Now what capitalists do is that they highlight the differences and make similarities secondary. So this separates us from other fellow workers. This causes disunity among us and we don’t unite to fight the system as one class.
Tomorrow I have to take my son to a clinic. And I am going there with Red Flag. I am going to mobilize the nurses and other workers. I learn fast and the school has given me tremendous confidence that I will put in practice.
--ICWP organizer.
Understand the World to Change It
What I learned from the communist school is that the bosses are like vampires. For them to survive, they suck the blood of the workers. The blood they suck from us is the surplus value which they make into profit. Workers produce everything under capitalism that has value. But for the bosses what we produce has no use value. They produce it only for profit. The unions help the bosses by forcing the workers to play by the bosses’ rule. So capitalism for me is something not good. We are supposed to kill capitalism. We must take it from the root and mobilize the masses. The only thing left for us is mobilize the masses for communism.
Now my eyes are wide open. I know many workers and I have a big family. I am taking the Red Flag to everybody. After the communist school, I met two workers from Nigeria and gave them the Red Flag. Similarly, I mobilized a worker from Mozambique. The Nigerian workers were saying “Viva Communism.” I will keep mobilizing and the next time you are here, the halls will be filled with new comrades. I am convinced that communism is the only solution.
--Revolutionary worker and musician
Communism Will Work
When I started the school, to me communism seemed a little bit farfetched. Because I was used to think that money is necessary for society to function. But when we get an understanding of the contradiction of capitalism, communism seems attainable. Communism is certainly a better alternative because everything will be run by the working class without the bosses. I think communism is going to work. I was very skeptical before but it is going to work. I am still reading the literature of ICWP. I will keep coming to the meetings and organize others like my friend who is here today for a meeting. I am going to organize many for the international meeting that is planned next year.
--A high school comrade
Nov. 8, Los Angeles—About 150 angry workers and youth demonstrated their rage against the Mexican and US governments in front of the Mexican Consulate for the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, and deepening attacks on the whole working class. Most of them gladly received Red Flag and the message that we need a communist revolution to get rid of the murderous bosses and their capitalist system of exploitation and terror. Many were clearly moved when they heard that workers from South Africa sent their communist solidarity to students and workers in Mexico. This made more real the idea that we are one working class and need one Party that fights for communism worldwide. The neighborhood around the consulate is full of workers who need Red Flag and we need to get it there.