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International Communist Workers Party | |
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SOUTH AFRICA—“I was 13 years old when I got involved with the anti-Apartheid struggle. Now I am 83 years old. During this time, I was detained, abused and tortured. I was taken from one detention center to another. My family did not know where I was, whether I was dead or alive. I continued my affiliation with the African National Congress (ANC) but soon it disillusioned me, especially after the elections. I realized that the president and the ANC completely abandoned us. They do not have our best interest in mind,” confessed Tata, a veteran of the war against Apartheid, to a comrade from the US.
The day of the conference, the comrade from the US addressed the audience, more than 80 youth, men and women workers, among them the comrade Tata.
“I know something about the history of South Africa. I know the history of the struggle, of so much sacrifice, of so much bloodshed, of the assassination of Chris Hani, and of many more, so many more who gave their life for a better world.
“It’s the first time that I have come to South Africa. And when I drive through or walk through its streets, its neighborhoods, its boroughs and I see the faces of my South African companions; men and women, boys and girls, I see how they live and I am filled with rage and sadness at the same time.”
The speaker’s eyes started to fill with tears. “Yesterday, I met the 83-year-old comrade Tata. Today he is here with us,” he said. “I did not know if he would be here with us. He did not know if his knees could hold him up. He uses crutches to move from place to place. Nevertheless, he is here and I am very happy that he is here with us,” he continued.
His voice rose in a clear tone. “I’m here to declare to comrade Tata and all those present that the International Communist Workers’ Party is building an international communist movement to never betray the working masses. A world without borders, money and privilege, a world where we all build communism together, united in the struggle.”
At the end, comrade Tata, stood up without using his crutches, walked to the front of the conference and addressed the audience. “Now I can die in peace knowing that my sons, daughters and their families have found a real party with a line that not only responds to the reality of workers but also solves all the problems of the working class permanently.”
The whole conference inspired comrade Tata not only to join the ICWP and commit to mobilize the masses for communism. He said “I will take Red Flag to the other veterans of the ANC and to my neighbors.”
The act of Comrade Tata joining the ICWP, and his affirmation of communist ideas, motivated many others present at the conference to also join the party.
All of us have to bring the party line of the ICWP to workers worldwide, to offer them the vision of communism. We must not only join the party but also begin the struggle to win the communist world we all desire and need.
Red Flag is an important tool in the process of mobilizing the masses for communism. Let’s distribute it, study it and write for it. Join the fight for a communist world!