The recently announced US-Iran deal is not
about peace or preventing the proliferation of nuclear
weapons. It is all about US imperialism pivoting
to Asia-Pacific to prepare for the eventual
military clash with China, its main imperialist
This deal is vigorously being pursued by one
sector of the dominant wing of the uS ruling
class, which knows they can't pivot to Asia-Pacific
unless they "pivot away" from the Middle
East. This can't be done unless an agreement is
forged concerning Iran's "nuclear ambitions."
"The interim accord between Iran and the six
world powers is a significant accomplishment,"
wrote Richard Haass, supporting the Pivot-to-
Asia gang. He is the president of the Council on
Foreign Relations – the most influential think
tank deciding uS national and foreign policies.
In his article (Financial Times, 11/24/13), he
also lashed out at the uS forces trying to derail
the deal. Although also part of US imperialism's
dominant wing, these forces view the Pivot-to-
Asia strategy as surrendering the Middle East to
the China-Russia-Iran axis.
John Bolton, Bush's former U.N. ambassador,
speaking for this sector, called the accord an "abject
surrender by the united States." (Weekly
Standard, 11/24). Florida Republican Senator
Marco Rubio called for new Congressional sanctions
against Iran despite the deal. Democratic
Senators Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez
said they would also support new sanctions.
Two former National Security Advisers, General
Brent Scowcroft (retired) and Zbigniew
Brzezinski, supporting the Pivot-to-Asia strategy,
urged Congress on November 19 not to consider
passing new sanctions which "…will risk undermining
or even shutting down the negotiations."
Although the Rockefeller-led sector, behind
the Pivot-to-Asia, seems to be gaining the upper
hand, the outcome of this rulers' dog fight is unpredictable.
However, we can be certain of one
thing: it is all about how best to fight China.
One sector is for the uS overthrowing al-
Assad of Syria, and then invading and conquering
Iran. They think that their Iraq-Afghanistan problems
could then be solved and the whole oil-rich
region would again be under uS control. Then
China's dependence on Middle Eastern oil for its
future economic growth and military power could
be exploited to contain and curtail its rise as a
rival power.
The Rockefeller gang thinks this is a
pipedream. They know the Middle East can't be
fought for piece-meal, and they have two losing
wars to prove it. Furthermore, they know that
bigger military adventures there, especially
against Iran, could put uS imperialism at a disadvantage
in a probable military clash with China
and Russia.
These bosses would rather concentrate their resources
to contain, and prepare to fight, China in
Asia-Pacific. Here they hope to build a powerful
anti-China military alliance – which can't be
done in the Middle East—with Japan, Vietnam,
the Philippines, Australia, India and
other Pacific countries.
Also, in the Pacific they could fully
take advantage of one of their main
military assets: their navy, the world's
most powerful. Some of their top military
strategists believe, as US Admiral
Alfred Mahan (1840-1914) wrote,
that "whoever controls the Indian
Ocean controls Asia. In the 21st Century,
the destiny of the world will be
decided on its waters."
An agreement with Iran will free
the US Navy's Fifth Fleet from being
confined to the Persian Gulf, where,
many military analysts concur, it is a sitting duck
for Iran's advanced anti-ship missiles, and its
submarines and speed boats armed with Russian
Shkval, or Squall, torpedoes, which can travel at
225 mph. The fleet can be much less vulnerable
in the vast expanses and deep waters of the Pacific
Some of the Pivot-to-Asia bosses' pundits
hope that eventually the Iran deal could lead to
the US allowing Iran to openly become the dominant
Middle East power. In exchange, Iran
would serve the US in the same function as it did
under the Shah before 1979.
Whether this will happen or even if any deal
will be signed at all is anybody's guess. We, however,
know two things: the imperialists' competition
for world domination inevitably leads to
world war, and the bosses wage war against our
international working class 24 hours a day, 365
days a year, year in and year out.
The bosses' wars for profits and empire can
only be ended by putting an end to their war
against our class. Join ICWP in mobilizing the
masses for communism, the only way to end all
wars forever.
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