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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The Grand Jury’s verdict in the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson sparked militant anger across the US. The verdict shows that capitalism will do whatever is necessary to defend its racist killer cops. Their cops defend the profits and property that the bosses steal from workers. They are the bosses’ first line of defense to terrorize angry workers and try to prevent us from organizing against them.
The massive reaction in Ferguson and throughout the US shows that terror will not keep workers and youth from rebelling. Violence against the bosses’ state can be training for revolution. Thus, the bosses use their agents to try to divert our anger into pacifism and electoral politics.
Terror, however, is inherent to capitalism. For centuries, black, latino, indigenous, and white workers and youth have led courageous mass rebellions, against US bosses’ brutal racist terror. Yet, racist terror increases while the police nationwide are being militarized.
In the last week, Cleveland cops killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice while holding a toy gun; Akai Gurley was slain in East Brooklyn when a cop shot blindly into an apartment stairwell. Every 28 hours, a black man or boy is killed in the US by the police!
Internationally, the bosses use police terror to try to force workers to pay for capitalism’s crisis as seen by the murder of the 43 Mexican students, and that of 34 striking South African Marikana miners two years ago.
We workers need a different system. We need to destroy capitalism and build our system: COMMUNISM. Capitalism is based on production for profit to make the capitalist bosses richer. This condemns us to be their wage slaves. If they can’t profit off our labor, however, they won’t give us a job. No job means, no money. No money means, no life.
Communism will be based on production for need, not profits. We will no longer be wage slaves. Millions of workers will run society without the bosses’ racism, exploitation or money. We will have useful, fulfilling, creative work from cradle to grave.
In producing for need, we will bring forth new communist social relations: we will treat each other with the love, respect and dignity that `we all deserve. Collectively we will deal with anti-social behavior as humanely as possible without police of any kind.
We workers need a new strategy. To win communism, our strategy must be to mobilize the masses for communism. For this, we need a mass Party of millions of workers, soldiers and youth world wide. We urge you to join the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) to help accomplish this historic task.
We applaud the heroic defiance of the rebellious masses in Ferguson. Violence is an indispensable ingredient of communist revolution but it must be linked to mobilizing the masses for communism.
Soldiers and industrial workers are the main pillars of capitalism. Workers provide the labor power that keeps its economy running. Soldiers provide the military might that defends the capitalists from the working class and other capitalists-imperialists rivals.
Without the industrial workers and soldiers the capitalists are nothing. With them mobilized for communism the world will be ours. Thus, youth and young workers-black, latino, asian and white- leading these militant actions in Ferguson and else where should see themselves as communist working class leaders for life.
Those able should join the army to organize for revolution inside the armed forces. Others should go into the factories to help organize the industrial working class for revolution.
Industrial workers - like MTA operators, mechanics and service attendants – should organize political strikes against the Grand Jury verdict, the ruler’s racist terror and for the need to destroy capitalism with a communist revolution.
Join ICWP. Read and distribute Red Flag, the communist newspaper of the international working class. With urgency and patience let’s organize a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION TO BUILD OUR COMMUNIST WORLD.
Contact ICWP: www.icwpredflag.org,
ICWP@anonymousspeech, 310-487-6467