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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The uprising of Black workers and youth in Baltimore protesting the murder of Freddie Gray at the hands of the racist Baltimore police raises the question of violence. Violence has different meanings for the capitalist class and for the working class.
Working class violence against the capitalists’ state apparatus – like in Ferguson and now in Baltimore – sends shudders up the spines of the bosses and their lackeys. It paints a vivid picture of the revolutionary violence that will be needed to destroy capitalism and its horrors and build a communist world where workers’ lives will be valued and treasured.
That is why the bosses’ mass media, politicians, community and religious “leaders” are all ranting against the “terrible, destructive violence” in Baltimore. Obama said those who “stole from businesses and burned buildings and cars should be treated as criminals.” He also called them “thugs.” Criminals? Thugs? Who are the biggest criminals and thugs in history?
Under Capitalist “Peace”: NO is their weapon of mass destruction
NO money, NO food. As a result every 3.6 seconds a person – most likely a child under the age of five – dies of starvation world wide. That’s 9 million a year, while 805 million struggle daily with hunger, including 30 million in the US, while 40% of the food produced in the US is thrown in the garbage daily by restaurants and supermarkets. It could feed 1.1 billion people.
NO money, NO medicine. 50,000 men, women and children die daily from diseases that could be prevented or cured for a dollar each. That’s 18 million people a year! This is just the tip of the iceberg because untold more die for lack of food or medicine because it doesn’t pay to keep them alive.
When the angry masses in the streets loot and burn down the likes of CVS, supermarkets and stores, they are attacking these capitalist instruments of exploitation and mass murder. They are pointing the way and the need to destroy them and the whole capitalist system and build a communist society without money. In their place we will have centers to collectively distribute what we collectively produce to satisfy everyone’s need regardless of how little or how much they contribute.
Wage Slavery makes “NO” Capitalism’s biggest weapon of mass destruction against our class
NO job, NO money, No Money, NO life. The capitalists won’t give us a job if we can’t produce profits for them. This condemns half our class to be unemployed, “living” with $2 dollars a day or less. For the capitalists we are subhumans. They define poverty as making less than $1.25 a day. We must destroy wage slavery and money, the chains that binds us to them.
Their wealth however knows no limit: 66 billionaires have more wealth than half the world’s population. They are part of the less than 1% that own and rule the world.
The capitalists and their lackeys are “horrified” at the destructiveness of the Baltimore masses: 15 structure fires; 144 vehicles destroyed; and more than 20 police officers injured.
Do they rave against the destruction and death unleashed against our class internationally in their wars for profits and empire? Of course not!
They are the thugs! They reduce whole cities to rubbish, destroy whole countries, kill, maim or displace tens of millions – all for their all-mighty dollar! This savagery they blame on us. They say it is all because of human greed. But it is their greed and their system’s need for maximum profits.
It will take mass revolutionary violence to destroy this capitalist-imperialist system that flooded the black and latino neighborhoods with crack cocaine to mass incarcerate a whole generation of latino but especially black youth for leading the anti-racist uprisings in ghettos in the 60s and 70s and the rebellions in the Army and Navy during the War in Vietnam.
Black youth led the rebellion in Ferguson and now Baltimore
The bosses’ ploy to keep the youth drugged out is not working. Neither is their campaign of racist police terror and murder. Black youth are once again rising to occupy their place in the revolutionary process. They will inspire other youth to do the same.
Their actions show: 1) Street rebellions will be the revolutionary training grounds for the masses to wage war against capitalism. 2) The bosses must rely on the National Guard and army to protect them because the cops become useless. 3) We need to do political work inside the capitalists’ armies. They are our brothers and sisters and can be won to fight on our side.
Let’s welcome our rebellious youth and give them political guidance. They should become industrial workers and soldiers: the key sectors for a successful communist revolution. A political strike by MTA workers, Boeing workers and industrial workers in South Africa and El Salvador against racist police murders, in support of these rebellious youth and for communism as the only solution would have a galvanizing effect on these rebels and others, nationally and internationally.
Let’s seize the time by spreading Red Flag and building ICWP to mobilize the angry masses for communism. Join with ICWP on May Day, Friday May 1st at Cesar Chavez and Broadway to march and mobilize for a communist world!
Contact International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) 310-487-7674,