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Red Flag newspaper

Article Series from Red Flag

Communist Dialectics


Capitalist Crisis Breeds Fascism, Sparks Resistance Worldwide:

Workers Can Defeat Fascism With Communism


In Chicago, USA, thousands of youth and workers, Muslim and non-Muslim, black, latin, asian and white, protested amidst Trump’s planned vile racist rally. They were not intimidated by his racist thugs and murderous cops. Trump canceled.  Masses are cheering the anti-racists.

In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, students defied death squads and fought riot police, angered by the assassination of activist Berta Cáceres.

In Delhi and elsewhere in India, thousands of students protest racist attacks on Muslims and their Dalit classmates and the arrest of student leader Kanhaiya Kumar.
Masses are rebelling against fascism.  Some are calling it out by name.  We must win them and many more to destroy racism and fascism at their source by mobilizing for communism.

Communism Will End the Material Basis of Fascism
Worldwide capitalism today is in a crisis of overproduction.  This makes it harder for workers to live in the old way.
The bosses rely on racism and nationalism to divide workers.  They don’t want us to blame their capitalist system. 
Communist society will not have crises of overproduction.  When production is based on human need, there will not be markets to try to monopolize.  Without the wage system, communist relations of production will unite us.
Communism will end money and profits and, with them, imperialist wars.  The only war the working class needs to fight is revolution to destroy capitalism.
Communism will end unemployment.  Everyone will have work.  We’ll plan, produce and distribute the things we all need.  We’ll take care of one another and strengthen the social ties that bind us together.  We workers worldwide will see each other as the class brothers and sisters that we are, not as competitors for wage-slavery jobs.
With the victory of communism worldwide, the material basis of fascism will disappear.

Capitalism in Crisis Needs Fascist Nationalism
Capitalist rulers need to win some workers to act as their thugs against rebellious workers and youth.  They need to win more to fight in their wars.
India’s Modi is building a violent, racist fascist nationalist movement against Muslims and Dalits to attack all workers and also Pakistan. Abe in Japan promotes nationalism and militarism to attack China. Xi in China is fomenting nationalism to challenge the US and its allies like Japan for world domination. Putin uses nationalism to win Russian workers to fight for a Russian empire. Turkey’s Erdogan is mobilizing against Kurds. 
Trump in the US and Le Pen in France are also building violently racist movements. They blame immigrants and Muslims for crime, rising unemployment and declining wages. 
But forces everywhere are mobilizing against them. We must bring them Red Flag and communist strategies.  Let’s explain sharply and patiently that the only answer to the bosses’ racism and nationalism is communist internationalism.  

“Bourgeoisie democracy BREEDS fascism”
The communist Palme Dutt explained in 1934 that “fascism arises when the bankruptcy of the old regime is revealed, but the working class is held in by reformist leadership.”
 “The more workers place their trust in legalism, in constitutionalism, in bourgeois democracy, the more they make sacrifices to save the existing regime as the ‘lesser evil,’ the heavier become the fascist attacks.…. To preach confidence in…the capitalist state means to invite and guarantee the victory of fascism.”
The German communists fought the fascists in the streets but ultimately relied on elections to stop fascism when Hitler took power. When Hitler took power, the world’s communist parties allied with the “lesser evil” imperialists, the US and its allies to fight Nazi Germany, a fatal error we will never commit again.
In both India and the US, the rulers need racism to divide the masses.  At the same time, they are preparing for a future world war.  On one side:  the US and its allies.  On the other: China and Russia and their allies.
For this, liberal imperialists like Clinton (and Sanders, right behind her) need to push an inclusive nationalism:  “We are all Americans.”   They want to keep angry anti-racists within capitalist democracy and away from revolution.  Leading US imperialists denounce Trump because his too-open racism sabotages the multicultural patriotism they need. 
In India, some attack Modi’s racist nationalism by calling for a “good, democratic” nationalism that includes Muslims, Hindus and Christians.  But there is no good nationalism. Every nation belongs to capitalists.
Workers need a communist world without borders or nations. In communism, workers everywhere will learn from each other and share resources for everyone’s good.

Boldly Present Communism to the Masses!
Dutt called the victory of Communism over capitalism and fascism “inevitable.”  He didn’t mean this mechanically.  Rather, it happens “through living human wills given social conditions, consciously reacting to those conditions, and consciously choosing their line between alternative possibilities seen by them within the given conditions.”
More and more workers and youth are reading Red Flag.  They’re starting to organize ICWP collectives from India to South Africa, Bangladesh to El Salvador, and Afghanistan to the US.  They are showing that masses will choose communism when we boldly present that alternative. 

Choose communism! Organize for a communist May Day 2016!  Join the International Communist Workers’ Party!


Liberal capitalist ideology pushes the lie that “communism and fascism are the same” when actually they are polar opposites:  
Fascism is a “corporate state” – government hand in glove with business.  Communism is workers’ power – the masses running society to meet our own needs.
Fascism removes the mask from capitalist dictatorship.  It reveals its violent repression of the exploited masses.  Communism means the abolition of exploitation.  It will thus end dictatorship once a tiny remnant of exploiters and their intrigues have been repressed.
Fascist ideology pushes racism and patriotism.  Communism unites the working class of the world.
Fascism means the destruction of productive forces.  That includes large-scale mass unemployment and war, and sometimes genocide.  It means hostility to innovation (except in the military), to science and to culture.   Communism will unleash the creative power of the masses in all fields.  Science, innovation and culture will flourish, no longer enslaved to the profit system.
Fascism is fiercely anti-communist.  Communism is fiercely anti-fascist.  It attacks fascism at its root:  capitalism-imperialism in crisis and in decay.
Fascism lifts up a “strong man.”  Communism lifts up the masses.

March on May Day with the International Communist Workers’ Party
Sunday, May 1, 2016

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