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International Communist Workers Party | |
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LOS ANGELES, USA—-Over 1000 youth and workers here enthusiastically welcomed Red Flag and our communist leaflets at three recent rallies for Sanders..
We explained that communism, not socialism, will free the masses. Revolution, not voting, will end the capitalist system that is the cause of racism, sexism, exploitation, unemployment and imperialist war. Many people thanked us and wanted to talk.
We said that socialism is state capitalism, and that the only way to get rid of all capitalism is with communism. We can live the way our ancestors lived in Africa and the Americas, sharing everything without money, producing for need, but consciously building comradely communist relations and using science and technology.
“Wow, Communism! Cool!” said several young people.
“I would like to get your paper regularly,” said a student.
“How can I join you?” asked another.
Some asked questions. “How can we get what we need without money?” We explained that it’s workers’ labor power that produces everything, not money. In a system with no bosses or money, workers will be free to produce and distribute everything we need.
Others argued that Sanders would bring peace. But Sanders promises to defend the US with force. He voted to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He doesn’t want to get rid of capitalism, the source of imperialist war. He aims to calm and divert the masses’ anger against capitalism into voting and trying to reform it.
Some Sanders supporters said that the super-delegate system must be changed so that elections are not rigged. They are rigged by design. The US constitution was written by capitalists to administer emerging US capitalism. They set up the Electoral College to determine who the US President will be because the founders were afraid to let the masses decide by popular vote which capitalist politician would rule. They feared the masses would opt for radical alternatives.
Then in the 1980’s, the Democratic Party adopted the super-delegate system to give party leaders more say to better control who would be the nominee.
It is not fair. But the main thing that is not fair is that the capitalists own and control all the means of production (factories, mines) and the state (the police, army). The whole working class has to work for them. Our labor makes them rich. This can’t be reformed. It demands communist revolution.
No capitalist politician can end this racist exploitation, or the inevitable imperialist wars over control of the world. The masses, united for communism, can end these evils with revolution for communism, where we will collectively produce only to meet the masses’ needs.
Those looking for an alternative to capitalism won’t find it in Sanders or any electoral politicians anywhere in the world. But they will find it with Red Flag and ICWP. We invite those who like Red Flag to help distribute it, join study groups and join ICWP to mobilize the masses for the communist world we need.
Communism Means Serving the People
I talked to a group of four college students in Santa Monica where people were waiting to get into a Bernie Sanders rally. One described himself as an entrepreneur, one as a singer. Two others were just standing and listening. We were trying to figure out how Bernie Sanders was going to help millennials like us.
I started the conversation with communism, with the newspaper Red Flag which they took. They started to ask questions of me, like how communism is different with socialism.
The entrepreneur said that communism helped the lazy people out but capitalism/socialism will help people be more self-reliant. I disagreed. I said that communism helped people to be more resourceful because we would be relying on ourselves as a community more than ever before.
He said, “Explain to me why you say that communism will help people to be more self-reliant.”
I gave an example of a small family household. You want the house to be clean so you rely on your mom or dad or yourself to clean the house. It becomes second nature. If you are hungry you get food. If something needs to be fixed you fix it yourself or find people who have the necessary skills to fix it.
I told him, “The reason you are an entrepreneur is not mainly for the money but because you want to serve your ideas to help the people.”
He was like, “Really! I agree with you.”
“Exactly,” I said, “because I am feeling the same way. In capitalism we are taken advantage of and our ideas are used for someone else to make money. Instead I want us to be able to use them to help the people as a whole. That is the communist way: To help the people as a common goal instead of making a profit.”
He said, “Okay, I will read up and I will see how the paper can change my ideas a little bit more.”
By then we were at the front of the line. We exchanged contact information and they went in.
This encouraged me to take a whole bag of papers back to my neighborhood to help the people to open their eyes.
--Young worker in Los Angeles USA