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International Communist Workers Party | |
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MEXICO—Writing for Red Flag is writing for workers. It is sharing the experiences of daily life, conversations with co-workers, friends, relatives and people who we meet on our journey. Writing is not only for people with academic training—it’s needing to say to each worker that we are alive and we hope for a Communist society.
“Writing for Red Flag is overcoming our limits,” said a comrade in a study group.
“It is being afraid to make a mistake,” said another comrade.
But we should have confidence that what we write will be published and read by thousands of workers. If there is something to clarify, it will be done, not to hurt or show up the person who wrote it. On the contrary, it is for the individual and collective growth of the readers, friends, and comrades of the Party.
Writing for Red Flag is more than a moment of inspiration, as a comrade said, it’s necessary to show how rotten capitalism is. But more important, it’s a way to build communist consciousness in workers, students, soldiers, farmworkers, unemployed workers, housewives, youth, old people, not from one area or country, but internationally.
As another comrade put it well, we do not have some expert designing Red Flag, but with everyone’s ideas, we can make it more accessible to the workers, and among us all we will be those experts.
Writing is as simple as dancing, singing, playing, etc. It only requires practice and, in this practice, it is all of us who put into words our hatred and anger at the capitalist bosses and, at the same time, our love for the Working Class and the building of Communism.
That is why, in each study group, we urge readers of Red Flag and Party comrades to write. In our collective we agreed that each member would write a paragraph about how they see things, so that in the next meeting we would read them and write a commentary for Red Flag. We’re doing that because we haven’t yet overcome the limit of putting our ideas into writing, but we know that each member has a lot of experience and potential. It is only a question of practice.
Aside from carrying out physical activities like going to a march, distributing Red Flag, etc., the Party also requires thinking and political struggle among comrades. We must struggle with our mental limits to carry out practical things. Therefore, in writing for Red Flag, neither the fear of making a mistake, nor the many daily activities that we carry out, nor laziness should hold us back. Writing for Red Flag is overcoming our limits and fighting for a Communist Society. Workers of the World, let’s unite for communist revolution.